The standard dynamic bulk viscosity concept can also be used to provide volume damping in quasi-static simulations solved using an explicit solver. In this case the objective is to minimise oscillations in the effective mean stress and only the linear term of the standard bulk viscosity concept is required; i.e. the dynamic bulk viscosity ( q) for each element is defined as:
Damping is only applied in compression, so assuming elasticity, the contribution of the volumetric stress to the element internal forces is evaluated as:
•1 The model does not damp rigid body motion, so that the gross downward movement resulting from compaction of a column, or upward movement on a thrust, remain little affected. •2 The damping term is transitory (i.e. it is not accumulated) so if the overall deformation pattern is compressive then this mode of deformation is damped but not prevented.
•Bulk viscosity damping increases the stiffness of the system and consequently reduces the critical time step necessitating more time steps •Qlin =0.5 is a suitable value for many quasi-static problems |