Mesh data |
Description |
Here are described the supported keywords to define mesh data and topology (e.g. NODE, ELEMENT, NSET, ELSET, etc) as well as their corresponding options.
ELEMENT Element data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines element data which forms an ELSET in the following coma separated value format (example for a tetrahedral element):
Notes •The number of values in each row will be dependant on the element type (number of nodes per element). •*ELEMENT keyword with 2D elements in 3D problems may be used to generate TSETs that may be converted to ParaGeo geometry sets using the *TSET TYPE keyword.
ELSET Element set data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines a list of element numbers which forms an ELSET. The standard definition of an ELSET considers the input values as coma separated values in the following format:
In case the optional parameter GENERATE is used, then the data defining the ELSET should be provided in the following format:
Then the ELSET will contain all element numbers between the Start and End element numbers (both inclusive) in the specified increment between consecutive values.
ELSET TYPE Type of geometry entities for ELSETs |
Usage |
Description |
This keyword allows to define the appropriate type of geometry entity for NSET to Geometry_set conversion in case is not defined by specifying parameter TYPE in the *NSET keyword. Valid options are: - LINE - SURFACE - VOLUME - NODE / NODAL - NONE (this will not create a Geometry_set for the ELSET)
The data should be provided as a list into the following format:
Notes •This data structure is generally required for proper data conversion if defined ELSETs have not had TYPE parameter set.
NODE Nodal data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines nodal data in the following coma separated value format:
NSET Nodal set data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines a series of nodes which will be grouped in a nodal set. This is equivalent to a ParaGeo Geometry_set. The node list should be provided separated by commas as follows:
NSET TYPE Type of geometry entities for NSETs |
Usage |
Description |
This keyword allows to define the appropriate type of geometry entity for NSET to Geometry_set conversion in case is not defined by specifying parameter TYPE in the *NSET keyword. Valid options are: - LINE - SURFACE - VOLUME - NODE / NODAL - NONE (this will not create a Geometry_set for the NSET)
The data should be provided as a list into the following format:
Notes •This data structure is required if defined NSETs have not had TYPE parameter set.
SURFACE Surface definition from ELSETs or NSETs |
Usage |
Description |
*SURFACE keyword may be used to define a surface entity from a list of previously defined ELSETs or NSETs in the Abaqus mesh. This will be used to generate ParaGeo Geometry_set data containing the surface entities.
The data should be provided as a list of the following format for ELSETs:
Or if defined in terms of NSETs should follow the format below:
TSET TYPE Type of geometry entities for TSETs |
Usage |
Description |
2D *ELEMENT data in 3D problems may be used to create TSETs that later can be converted to ParaGeo Geometry_set data. This keyword allows to provide a list of the potential TSETs to define their type and thus consider whether they should be converted to Geometry_set surfaces or not. Valid options for the type are:
- SURFACE - NONE (this will not create a Geometry_set for the TSET)
The data should be provided as a list into the following format:
Notes •If not defined all TSETs will be ignored (so all will be type NONE)