Step data

Step data




The keywords *STEP and *END STEP define the beginning and end of a simulation stage/step, with the data defined between these keywords belonging to a specific step. Usually this data is related to loads, boundary conditions, etc allowing to change conditions during the simulation for different simulation stages / steps.  Note that:

1Some *CONTROLS keywords are compulsory between each pairs of *STEP and *END STEP data.

2Some data that can only be specified once in the input file and do not belong to a given simulation stage (e.g. mesh data, initial conditions, gravity, etc) and therefore such data should be defined prior to the first *STEP keyword in the input file.

3If data is specified in a step and is not updated in the following step then it will still be active.



Click to expand/collapseEND STEP    Indicates end of simulation step/stage


Click to expand/collapseSTEP    Indicates beginning of simulation step/stage