Variable list

List of ParaGeo Variables


Element Variables



Elt_mass - Element mass

Crit_tim - Element critical time step

Elt_volu - Element volume

Elt_dens - Element density

Elt_pore - Element pore pressure

Elt_temp - Element temperature

Porosity - Element Porosity

Void_rat - Element Void Ratio

Mat_no - Material  number

Group_no - Group  number



Por_geoc - Current pore pressure in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only)

Por_Geot - Pore pressure at t+Dt  in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only)

Cou_stif - Current Coupling Bulk modulus in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only)



Strs_xx - Stress in X-direction

Strs_yy - Stress in Y-direction

Strs_zz -  Stress in Z-direction

Strs_xy - Shear Stress in XY-direction

Strs_yz - Shear Stress in YZ-direction (3-D only)

Strs_zx - Shear Stress in ZX-direction (3-D only)

Press / Effmean - Effective mean stress (p')

Efstrs / Vonmises - Deviatoric effective stress (q)

Strs_p1 - Principal stress 11 - (most tensile)

Strs_p2 - Principal stress 22 - (intermediate)

Strs_p3 - Principal stress 33 - (Most compressive)



Strn_xx - Strain in X-direction

Strn_yy - Strain in Y-direction

Strn_zz - Strain in Z-direction

Strn_xy - Shear Strain in XY-direction

Strn_yz - Shear Strain in YZ-direction (3-D only)

Strn_zx - Shear Strain in ZX-direction (3-D only)

Vol_stn - Volumetric strain

Efstrn - Deviatoric effective strain

Strn_p1 - Principal strain 11 - (most tensile)

Strn_p2 - Principal strain 22 - (intermediate)

Strn_p3 - Principal strain 33 - (Most compressive)



Pf_velocx - Fluid flow rate in X direction

Pf_velocy - Fluid flow rate in Y direction

Pf_velocz - Fluid flow rate in Z direction (3D only)

Pf_gradx - Pore pressure gradient components in X direction

Pf_grady - Pore pressure gradient components in Y direction

Pf_gradz - Pore pressure gradient components in Z direction (3D only)



Tm_velocx - Thermal flux in X direction

Tm_velocy - Thermal flux in Y direction

Tm_velocz - Thermal flux in Z direction (3D only)

Tm_gradx - Thermal gradient in X direction

Tm_grady - Thermal gradient in Y direction

Tm_gradz - Thermal gradient in Z direction (3D only)



Nodal Variables



Disp_x - Displacement in X direction

Disp_y - Displacement in Y direction

Disp_z - Displacement in Z direction

Veloc_x - Velocity in X direction

Veloc_y - Velocity in X direction

Veloc_z - Velocity in X direction

Coord_x - X-coordinate

Coord_y - Y-coordinate

Coord_z - Z-coordinate

Pore_nod - Pore pressure at nodes

Temp_nod - Temperature at nodes



State Variables

Valid state variables will depend on the models being used.



D_depcur - Decomp. Current Depth

D_depref - Decomp. Reference Depth (curr)

D_depprv - Decomp. Depth at previous step

D_strnv - Decomp. Vol. Strain Increment

D_porchg - Decomp. Porosity change (presc)

D_stn11t - Decomp. Vol. Strain 11 Component

D_stn22t - Decomp. Vol. Strain 22 Component

D_porprv - Decomp. Porosity (Depth) time t

D_porstp - Decomp. Porosity change (step)



C_poros - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change

C_poros1 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 1

C_poros2 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 2

C_poros3 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 3

C_poros4 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 4



Young - Young's Modulus

Poiss - Poisson's Ratio

Young11 - Youngs Modulus E(11)

Young22 - Youngs Modulus E(22)

Young33 - Youngs Modulus E(33)

Poiss12 - Poissons Ratio v(12)

Poiss23 - Poissons Ratio v(23)

Poiss31 - Poissons Ratio v(31)

Shear12 - Shear Modulus G(12)

Shear23 - Shear Modulus G(23)

Shear31 - Shear Modulus G(31)



F_angle1 - Fracture 1 Angle

F_state1 - Fracture 1 State (normal)

F_ft1 - Fracture 1 Strength (normal)

F_nstrs1 - Fracture 1 Stress (normal)

F_nstrn1 - Fracture 1 Strain (normal)

F_time1 - Fracture 1 Initiation time

F_perm1 - Fracture 1 Permeability

F_angle2 - Fracture 2 Angle

F_state2 - Fracture 2 State (normal)

F_ft2 - Fracture 2 Strength (normal)

F_nstrs2 - Fracture 2 Stress (normal)

F_nstrn2 - Fracture 2 Strain (normal)

F_time2 - Fracture 2 Initiation time

F_perm2 - Fracture 2 Permeability



H_lambda - Hardening modulus

H_epvcom - Maximum compressive volume strain

H_epvten - Maximum tensional volume strain



P_flag - Plasticity flag

P_strn - Effective Plastic Strain

P_strn_r - Effective Plastic Strain Rate

P_strnv - Plastic Volume Strain

P_strnxx - Plastic Strain XX

P_strnyy - Plastic Strain YY

P_strnzz - Plastic Strain ZZ

P_strnxy - Plastic Strain XY

P_strnyz - Plastic Strain YZ

P_strnzx - Plastic Strain ZX

P_epvcom - Max. compressive volume strain

P_epvten - Max. tensile volume strain

P_conver - Convergence Flag

P_comc - Pre-Consolidation Pressure

P_tenc - Tensile Intercept

P_state - Plastic state

P_stten - Plastic state - Tension

P_stshr - Plastic State - Shear

P_stcap - Plastic State - Cap

P_strv_r - Plastic Volume strain rate

P_beta - Friction Angle (Beta)

P_psi - Dilation Angle (Psi)

P_d - Intercept (D)

P_yield - von Mises Yield Stress

R_ft1 - Rot-Crack Tensile stress 1

R_ft2 - Rot-Crack Tensile stress 2

R_ft3 - Rot-Crack Tensile stress 3

R_epstn1 - Rot-Crack Total strain in 1

R_epstn2 - Rot-Crack Total strain in 2

R_epstn3 - Rot-Crack Total strain in 3

R_edamg1 - Rot-Crack Damaged moduli 1

R_edamg2 - Rot-Crack Damaged moduli 2

R_edamg3 - Rot-Crack Damaged moduli 3

R_damfac - Rot-Crack Damage Factor

R_psang1 - Rot-Crack Angle 11

R_psang2 - Rot-Crack Angle 22

R_psang3 - Rot-Crack Angle 33

R_state1 - Rot-Crack Fracture state 1

R_state2 - Rot-Crack Fracture state 2

R_state3 - Rot-Crack Fracture state 3

R_elam1 - Rot-Crack Elastic modulus 1

R_elam2 - Rot-Crack Elastic modulus 2

R_elam3 - Rot-Crack Elastic modulus 3

R_strn1 - Rot-Crack Fracture strain 1

R_strn2 - Rot-Crack Fracture strain 2

R_strn3 - Rot-Crack Fracture strain 3

R_peak1 - Rot-Crack Peak tensile stress 1

R_peak2 - Rot-Crack Peak tensile stress 2

R_peak3 - Rot-Crack Peak tensile stress 3

R_strs1 - Rot-Crack Normal Stress 1

R_strs2 - Rot-Crack Normal Stress 2

R_strs3 - Rot-Crack Normal Stress 3

R_esoft1 - Rot-Crack Softening modulus 1



Pa_alpha - Alpha Rotational Hardening

Pa_m - m(Alpha) Hardening parameter

Pa_ad_xx - Alpha(d)XX Rotational hardening

Pa_ad_yy - Alpha(d)YY Rotational hardening

Pa_ad_zz - Alpha(d)ZZ Rotational hardening

Pa_ad_xy - Alpha(d)XY Rotational hardening

Pa_ad_yz - Alpha(d)YZ Rotational hardening

Pa_ad_zx - Alpha(d)ZX Rotational hardening



E_kappa - Unloading Modulus



Flu_satu - Fluid saturation

Biot_con - Biot constant

Flu_visc - Fluid viscosity

Flu_dens - Fluid density

Perm_e - Isotropic permeability

Perm_x - Permeability in x direction

Perm_y - Permeability in y direction

Perm_z - Permeability in z direction

Storty - Storativity

Knud_num - Knudsen number

knud_rar - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient

Knud_mul - Knudsen permeability multiplier

Knd_numx - Knudsen number in X direction

Knud_numy - Knudsen number in Y direction

Knud_numz - Knudsen number in Z direction

Knud_rarx - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in X direction

Knud_rary - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in Y direction

Knud_rarz - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in Z direction

Knud_mulx - Knudsen permeability multiplier in X direction

Knud_muly - Knudsen permeability multiplier in Y direction

Knud_mulz - Knudsen permeability multiplier in Z direction



Condb - Bulk conductivity

Condb_x - Bulk conductivity in X

Condb_y - Bulk conductivity in Y

Condb_z - Bulk conductivity in Z

Sheatb - Bulk specific heat

Condg - Grain conductivity

Condg_x - Grain conductivity in X

Condg_y - Grain conductivity in Y

Condg_z - Grain conductivity in Z

Sheatg - Grain specific heat

Condf - Fluid conductivity

Sheatf - Fluid specific heat

Peclet - Peclet number



V_flag - Viscoplastic state

V_strn - Viscoplastic Strain

V_strn_r - Viscoplastic Strain Rate

V_strnv - Viscoplastic Volume Strain

V_strnxx - Viscoplastic Strain XX

V_strnyy - Viscoplastic Strain YY

V_strnzz - Viscoplastic Strain ZZ

V_strnxy - Viscoplastic Strain XY

V_strnyz - Viscoplastic Strain YZ

V_strnzx - Viscoplastic Strain ZX

V_strs - Viscoplastic Stress

V_viscos - Viscoplastic Viscosity