Data Structure: Contact_global |
Description |
Contact global data structure |
Usage |
Contact_global NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Contact_global data structure is used to specify: •All the contact sets active in the simulation. •Whether or not fluid flow and/or thermal contact are active in coupled simulations. When not active, contact surfaces will be treated as impervious surfaces for the corresponding fields. •Any contact sets with tied surfaces (master-slave coupled freedoms).
Notes •For active porous flow in contact, Contact_flow_flag must be defined and set to 1. •For thermal contact, Contact_thermal_flag must be defined and set to 1. •Each pair of tied contact surfaces must be defined in their own separate Contact_set.
Examples demonstrating the usage of Contact_global include: •cont_2d4n_001a.dat
Algorithm Contact algorithm |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the contact algorithm to be used in the simulation. Valid values are: • 1 - Node to facet contact (Default) • 2 - Node to node contact
Contact_flow_flag Flag defining whether porous flow through contact surfaces is to be considered |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether porous flow through contact surfaces is to be considered. Only applicable for a coupled analysis. Valid values are: • 0 - No fluid flow in contact surfaces (Default) • 1 - Account for fluid flow across/along in contact surfaces
Contact_thermal_flag Flag defining whether thermal flow through contact surfaces is to be considered |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether thermal flow through contact surfaces is to be considered. Only applicable for a coupled analysis. Valid values are: • 0 - No heat transfer across contact surfaces (Default) • 1 - Heat transfer across contact surfaces
Included_contact_sets List of included contact sets |
Usage |
Description |
List of contact sets to be searched. If no contact sets are defined then all geometry will be assumed.
Pore_force_no_contact_update Pore force no contact update |
Usage |
Description |
Defines whether the pore pressure contribution to contact nodes that are not in contact is updated. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not update pore force if no contact (Default) • 1 - Do update pore force if no contact
Fault_slip_update_frequency Fault slip update frequency |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the frequency at which fault slip calculation (for output to plot file) is updated. Valid values are: •-1 - At plot output only (Default) • 10 - Every n steps (n>0, e.g. 10)
Fault_slip_ref_update_frequency Fault slip reference update frequency |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the frequency at which the reference position for fault slip calculation (for output to plot file) is updated. The initial fault slip reference position is defined at first contact. Valid values are: •-1 - At every fault slip update (Default) • 0 - At each remesh • 10 - Every n steps (n>0, e.g. 10)
Tied_contact_sets List of tied contact sets |
Usage |
Description |
List of contact sets whose surfaces are tied to each other (master-slave coupled freedoms). When tied contact surfaces are defined in a simulation, each pair of tied contact surfaces must be defined in separate contact sets (e.g. Fault01_hgw and Fault01_ftw would be in one contact set, Fault02_hgw and Fault02_ftw would be in another contact set, etc.).
All_geometry_flag Global geometry flag indicating that all external surfaces are used |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating if all external surfaces are considered for contact. Valid values are: • 0 - All external surfaces used OFF • 1 - All external surfaces used ON (Default)
Corrective_step_flag Flag defining whether an initial penetration check should be performed |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether an initial penetration check and associated correction of the mesh nodal coordinates should be performed. Valid values are: • 0 - No initial penetration check (Default) • 1 - Perform initial penetration check
Factor_contact_time_step Factor of critical time step for time step update |
Usage |
Description |
The dynamic solution algorithm is conditionally stable and the time step must be equal or below the critical value Δtcrit which is automatically computed. Practically, the critical time step can only be computed approximately and often the critical time step for contact is below that of the element formation. Factor_contact_time_step scales the the automatically computed contact time step prior to performing the standard combined element and contact time step check. The default value is 0.75.
Nodal_output_variables Nodal output flags |
Usage |
Description |
A list of output flags (0 - no output, 1 - output) for nodal data. Default is All output. Item Nodal Output Flag for: • Displacement - Output flag for displacement • Velocity - Output flag for velocity • Pore_pressure - Output flag for pore pressure • Temperature - Output flag for temperature
Notes •By default all items are output. •If an item is selected for output then by default all the components of that type will be output. Individual components can be selected by defining the appropriate dataset.
Element_output_variables Element output flags |
Usage |
Description |
A list of output flags (0 - no output, 1 - output) for element data. Default is All output. Item Element Output Flag for: • Stress_components - Output flag for stress components • Strain_components - Output flag for strain components • State_variables - Output flag for state variables • Stress_invariants - Output flag for stress invariants • Strain_invariants - Output flag for strain invariants • Element_variables - Output flag for element variables • Porous_flow_data - Output flag for porous flow data (velocity and gradient) • Thermal_flow_data - Output flag for thermal flow data (velocity and gradient) • Error_data - Output flag for error data • Element_pore_pressure - Output flag for element pore pressure • Element_temperature - Output flag for element temperature
Notes •By default all items are output. •If an item is selected for output then by default all the components of that type will be output. Individual components can be selected by defining the appropriate dataset. |
Facet_update_flag Flag defining the type of update for 3-D contact facets |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining the type of update for 3D contact facets. Valid values are: • 1 - Only initialise active facets in domain (more efficient) • 2 - Initialise all facets (higher accuracy)
Flow_update_step Number of time steps between each update of porous flow and thermal contact data |
Usage |
Description |
Number of time steps between each update of porous flow and thermal contact data. Valid values are: •-1 - Update at the start of each stage • 1 - Number of steps between update (n>0, default 1)
Under_element_frequency Number of time steps between each update of values associated with the element underlying the co |
Usage |
Description |
Number of time steps between each update of values associated with the element underlying the contact node. The default value is dependent on the analysis type (mechanical only: 1000 steps, coupled analysis: 10 steps). |
State_update_iterative_type Type of update algorithm for contact state during iterations |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of update algorithm for contact state during iterations. Valid values are: • 1 - No restriction (Default) • 2 - Apply restriction every step • 3 - Apply restriction if step cutting
State_update_iterative_num Iteration number when restriction will be applied |
Usage |
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Iteration number after which the restriction of state update actioned by State_update_iterative_type will be applied (Default 1); i.e. the restriction is applied on the following iteration
Surface_based_stress_output Output stress computation method |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of output stress computation method. Valid values are: • 0 - Stresses are derived from nodal force (Default) • 1 - Stresses are surface based, compatible with pre-5.1 Parageo versions