

Data Structure: Couple_control_data


"Coupled field Control Data" data structure


Couple_control_data     NUM=ival   where ival  is the data structure number




The Couple_control_data structure defines solution algorithm, output and termination data for the current stage for the multi-field coupled simulations. Both two and three field coupling can be performed and the primary data to be specified is the list of active field names ( Field_names ). Apart from the field names the majority of the data to control the time step, termination and output is defined in the control data for the primary field. The primary field is defined as:

Geomechanical field - if it is active, otherwise

Porous flow field - if it is active and Geomechanical field is not active, otherwise

Thermal field


By default a staggered incremental coupling scheme is used where each field is solved sequentially in the order


Thermal Field - > Porous Flow Field - > Geomechanical Field


Optionally an iterative algorithm can be used for the geomechanical/porous flow field ( Solution_algorithm =2). Iterative coupling can be either a fixed number of iterations, or based on a pore pressure convergence norm ( Pore_converge_tolerance)



Many of the parameters are set by default. The minimum data comprises the list of field names

By default all relevant data is passed between each field. Alternatively the specific data to be transferred may be specified using Transfer_data_mech, Transfer_data_flow and Transfer_data_therm

One data structure is required for the whole analysis



demonstrating the usage of Couple_control_data include:

All multi-field coupling examples


Click to expand/collapseSolution_algorithm    Solution algorithm for coupled field


Click to expand/collapseVolume_strain_coupling    Flag denoting volume strain coupling algorithm


Click to expand/collapsePore_converge_tolerance    Tolerance for pore pressure convergence


Click to expand/collapseUndrained_pore_converge_tolerance    Tolerance for pore pressure convergence for undrained analysis


Click to expand/collapseMaximum_number_iterations    Maximum number of iterations


Click to expand/collapseField_names    Active field names


Click to expand/collapseVolume_update_model    Volume strain update algorithm


Click to expand/collapseVolume_update_data    Data controlling volume strain update algorithm


Click to expand/collapseTarget_number_iterations    Target optimal number of iterations