Data Structure: Application_data |
Description |
Application and Experiment Type Definition |
Usage |
Application_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Application_data data structure defines the control data for the inversion procedure comprising: •The application platform for the simulations (e.g. ParaGeo, Bristol University Applications ) •The experiment type; i.e. the type of inversion to be performed (e.g. Material, Boundary). •The optimisation algorithm to be used; currently limited to the Nearest Neighbour Algorithm (NA).
Application The application platform name |
Usage |
Description |
The Application keyword is used to define the code / application platform that will be used to perform the forward simulations within the inversion procedure. It should be noted that the inversion code was designed to be independent of the code used to perform the simulations. Valid options are: •"Parageo" - Parageo geomechanical analysis tool •"Bristol" - Bristol University applications
Experiment The type of inversion |
Usage |
Description |
The Experiment keyword is used to define the type of inversion to be performed. It should be noted that the options available are dependent on the Application used for the simulations. Valid options are:
Parageo •"Material" - Perform inversion for material properties. •"Boundary" - Perform inversion for boundary conditions (currently limited to boundary displacement).
Bristol Applications •"INSAFF" Inversion of shear wave splitting data. No template data is required for the INSAFF application.
Inversion_algorithm The inversion algorithm |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the inversion algorithm to be used for the optimisation procedure. Valid options are: •"NAInverse" - Nearest Neighbour Algorithm (Sambridge,1999a,1999b)
References •M. Sambridge, 1999a. Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm - I. Searching the parameter space. Geophys. J. Int. , Vo.138, p.479-494. •M. Sambridge, 1999b. Geophysical inversion with a neighbourhood algorithm - II. Appraising the ensemble. Geophys. J. Int. , Vo.138, p.727-746. |
Executable_directory Directory containing ParaGeo executable |
Usage |
Description |
Executable_directory allows to define a directory containing the ParaGeo executable to be used for the forward simulations (Maximum 256 characters). This allows to used a different executable than the one in the PARAGEOHOME environment variable path. If not specified by default the executable directory is set as the path defined for PARAGEOHOME environment variable.
Executable_name Name of executable |
Usage |
Description |
Executable_name keyword is used to define the name of ParaGeo executable to be used for the forward simulations (e.g. the Parageo directory may contain different Parageo versions with different names and this keyword allows to define which one will be used. If not set by default the executable name is "parageo"