Data Structure: Fault_relief_set |
Description |
To define a fault relief data structure |
Usage |
Fault_relief_set NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Offset of compressional faults that intersect the surface can result in mesh compatibility issues once the fault offset exceeds approximately 50% of the neighbouring element characteristic length; i.e. as the overhang of the hanging wall relative to the footwall/surface intersection increases. Two methods for representation of fault-relief are available to help maintain a stable solution: •Adding a fillet-radius to the fault/surface intersection to facilitate rollover of the hanging wall onto the model surface •Extending the fault footwall (virtually) to prevent rollover (Not available at present).
Active_flag Flag to indicate active status of the data structure |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate the active status of the data structure. Valid values are: •-1 - Deactivate and remove if defined • 0 - Not defined • 1 - Defined and active
Name Name of the fault relief set |
Usage |
Description |
Name of the fault relief set (Maximum of 32 characters).
Fault_names List of faults to apply relief data to |
Usage |
Description |
List of faults to be applied the current relief data set.
Relief_type Type of fault surface relief model during fault offset at the model surface |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of fault surface relief model during fault offset at the model surface. Valid types are: • "Rollover" - Adding a fillet-radius to the fault/surface intersection to facilitate rollover of the hangingwall onto the model surface.
Fillet_radius Radius of the fillet between the footwall and model surface |
Usage |
Description |
Radius of the fillet between the footwall and model surface (Default: 2*le where le is the average element characteristic length at the fault tip).
Fillet_radii Fillet radii on a fault-by-fault basis |
Usage |
Description |
Fillet radii on a fault-by-fault basis.
Fillet_facet_number Number of facets used to define fillet radius |
Usage |
Description |
Number of facets used to define fillet radius.
Fillet_facet_list Number of facets used to define fillet radius on a fault-by-fault basis |
Usage |
Description |
Number of facets used to define fillet radius on a fault-by-fault basis.