Data Structure: Fracture_set |
Description |
Defines assignment/processing data associated with imported fracture definition |
Usage |
Fracture_set NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview This data structure defines the assignment and processing data associated with an imported fracture definition (e.g. from Fracman).
Name Fracture set name |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the fracture set name (maximum 32 characters).
Discretisation Fracture discretisation type ("Discrete", "Embedded") |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the fracture discretisation type. Valid types are: • "Discrete" - Discrete fractures represented using contact surfaces (default) • "Embedded" - Embedded fractures
Fab_file_output Modified Fracman data file name |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the name of the modified Fracman data file to be output (maximum 32 characters).
Property_assignment Contact property set name |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the name of the Contact_property data structure defining the contact properties to be assigned for the set.
Volume Volume associated with fracture set in 3-D |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the volume associated with the fracture set in 3-D. Currently the fracture set must be contained within a single volume.
Surface Surface associated with fracture set in 2-D |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the surface associated with the fracture set in 2-D. Currently the fracture set must be contained within a single surface.
Active_flag Active flag for fracture set |
Usage |
Description |
Active flag for fracture set. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not process fracture set • 1 - Process fracture set (Default)
Split_flag Flag defining whether a discrete fracture set should be created |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether a discrete fracture set should be created. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not create discrete fractures • 1 - Create discrete fractures (Default)
Element_size_type Flag defining type of element size definition |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining the type of element size definition. Valid values are: • 1 - Absolute size (default) • 2 - Size relative to fracture length (e.g. 0.25 will give ca. 4 elements for the longest fracture side)
Element_size Target element size for elements adjacent to the fracture set |
Usage |
Description |
Target element size for elements adjacent to the fracture set.
Fracture_element_size_list List of fractures assigned specific element size |
Usage |
Description |
Defines a list of fractures (by number) assigned specific element size (via Fracture_element_sizes).
Fracture_element_sizes List of fractures sizes |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the list of element sizes corresponding to each fracture specified in Fracture_element_size_list.
Short_line_tolerance Short line tolerance for intersecting fractures |
Usage |
Description |
Short line tolerance for intersecting fractures.
Pre_intersect_out_flag Flag for fracture geometry intersection check |
Usage |
Description |
Pre_intersect_out_flag outputs a geometry plot file and defines if a fracture geometry intersection check is to be performed or not (i.e. analysis terminated). This plot file may be used to visualise the location of the imported fractures within the model before computing fracture intersections. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not terminate prior to geometry intersection (default) • 1 - Terminate prior to geometry intersection
Output_level Defines output to the log file for the fracture generation process |
Usage |
Description |
Defines output to the log file for the fracture generation process. Valid output levels are: • 0 - No data • 1 - Summary data (default) • 2 - Detailed information
Export_datafile_flag Debug plot file flag |
Usage |
Description |
Export_datafile_flag defines the flag for determining if a data file is to be created/exported after intersection evaluation and analysis terminated. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not export data file (default) • 1 - Export data file post-generation and stop
Region_type Region type (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of fracture region (shape). Valid types are:
2-D • "Rectangular" - Rectangular region in 2D • "Circular" - Circular region in 2D
3-D • "Rectangular" - Hexahedral region in 3D • "Circular" - Spherical region in 3D
Region_size Size data for fracture region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the size data for the fracture region. The size data is dependent on the region type:
Region type 0 - Complete Domain No size data required
2-D "Rectangular region" • Location 1 - Xmin • Location 2 - Ymin • Location 3 - Xmax • Location 4 - Ymax
3-D "Rectangular" (hexahedral) region • Location 1 - Xmin • Location 2 - Ymin • Location 3 - Zmin • Location 4 - Xmax • Location 5 - Ymax • Location 6 - Zmax
2-D "Circular" region • Location 1 - Xcent • Location 2 - Ycent • Location 3 - Radius
3-D "Circular" (spherical) region • Location 1 - Xcent • Location 2 - Ycent • Location 3 - Zcent • Location 4 - Radius
Excluded_fractures List of excluded fractures |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the list of excluded fractures (defined by number in Fracman data).
Exclude_size_type Size type of fractures to exclude |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the size type of fractures to exclude. Valid types are: • "Minimum_length" - Exclude based on the minimum length of any line on fracture • "Maximum_length" - Exclude based on the maximum length of any line on fracture • "Area" - Exclude based on the area of the fracture
Exclude_size Size data range for fracture region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the size data range for fracture exclusion which is dependent on the setting in Exclude_size_type. •Location 1 - Minimum size •Location 2 - Maximum size
Offset Offset of fracture set from defined coordinates (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Offset defines the translation of the fracture set in the global X, Y and Z directions where •Location 1 - Offset in X direction •Location 2 - Offset in Y direction •Location 3 - Offset in Z direction
Notes •Offset is applied prior to Scale and exclusion by Region_size.
Scale Scale factors for size of fracture set (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Scale defines the scaling of the fracture set in the global X, Y and Z directions where •Location 1 - Scale factor in X direction •Location 2 - Scale factor in Y direction •Location 3 - Scale factor in Z direction
Notes •Scale is applied prior to exclusion by Region_size.
Embedded_division_size Division size for mapping fracture data to elements |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the division size for sub-division of the fracture geometry for mapping data from the fracture to the underlying elements. The mapping process sub-divides the fracture into a finer grid and any element containing a fracture point will be assigned fracture data.
Notes •If Embedded_division_size is not specified then the division size will be established by dividing the longest fracture side length by the value in Embedded_division_num.
Embedded_division_num Number of divisions for mapping fracture data to elements |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the number of divisions for sub-division of the fracture geometry for mapping data from the fracture to the underlying elements (default 50). The mapping process sub-divides the fracture into a finer grid and any element containing a fracture point will be assigned fracture data.
Notes •If Embedded_division_size is specified Embedded_division_num is not used.
Embedded_shrink_distance Distance to shrink the total size of all EDFM fractures |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the distance to shrink the total size of all EDFM fractures (Default: 0.0 - no shrinkage). This will shrink the fracture in all in-plane directions. Embedded_shrink_distance is required to prevent the fractures intersecting group and model boundaries.
Boundary_geometry_sets List of boundary geometry surfaces to be intersected |
Usage |
Description |
List of boundary geometry surfaces to be intersected.
Boundary_geometry_type Boundary geometry type |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the boundary geometry type. Valid types are: • 0 - Internal boundary (e.g. hole etc), Default • 1 - External boundary
Geometry_type Geometry type |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the geometry type of the imported fractures. Valid types are: • Flat - Flat (Default) • Edfm - Edfm