Worflow Summary


In the present tutorial page a summary of the inputs, outputs and actions required at each workflow step is provided. This aims to provide a quick guide / checklist / roadmap to users which are already familiarised with the definition of the data involved in each workflow step.



Step01 Zmap import



1.Zmap data defining the stratigraphy tops, facies distribution and any property distributed in the model.

2.Zmap import data file.



1.Define the data within the Zmap import data file as desired.

2.Run the zmap import data file with ParaGeo.



1.An Abaqus format .inp file containing the mesh for the imported model.

2.A .spat file for each imported property from Zmap data and requested to be output (in the present example only Facies). Such file contains a grid with the distribution of the properties that may be used to define the initial state of the restoration model.

3.An eclipse (.ecl) plot file with the imported data that may be visualised in ParaView by loading the corresponding .xml file.



Step02 Obtain the geometry with the HEX mesh



1.The .inp file obtained from workflow step 01 (to be edited).



1.Edit the .inp file obtained from workflow step 01 as follows:

a.Change the conversion type to TYPE=GROUP

b.Change the name in PARAGEO FILE= as desired. It is recommended to append "_hex" in the defined name to avoid confusion with files created in subsequent workflow steps.


d.Remove the line starting with *spatial_grid (located at the bottom of the file)

2.Run the edited .inp with ParaGeo



1.A .geo file containing the ParaGeo geometry meshed with HEX.

2.A .geometry file containing the ParaGeo data definition for the HEX meshed geometry (Group_data , Group_control_data and Geometry_set).

3.A geometry plot file (.gmr) containing the geometry entities for the generated ParaGeo geometry that may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding _gmr.xml file.

4.A mesh plot file (.msh) containing the mesh with element and group numbers that may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding _mesh.xml file.

5.An Abaqus format .inp file containing the definition of the mesh (not needed).



Step03 HEX to TET conversion



1.The .geo file obtained from the workflow step 02.

2.The .geometry file obtained from the workflow step 02 (to be edited).

3.A Hex to Tet conversion data file.



1.Edit the .geometry file obtained workflow step 02 as follows:

a.Define a material name for each group within the Material_name keyword.

b.Re-number the Group_data structures so that the formations are numbered from the base (oldest) to the top (youngest). This is not compulsory but highly recommended to keep consistency in group numbering between restoration and forward models.

2.It is recommended to append "_tet" and append something to indicate restoration (e.g. "_rest" ) to the defined output file name within the Hex to Tet conversion data file in order to avoid potential confusion with files created in previous / subsequent workflow steps.

3.Run the Hex to Tet conversion data file with ParaGeo



1.A .geo file containing the ParaGeo geometry meshed with TET elements.

2.A .geometry file containing the ParaGeo data definition for the TET meshed geometry (Group_data , Group_control_data and Geometry_set).

3.A .GeoSumm file containing a summary of the geometry data within the .geo file in ASCII format.

4.Two geometry plot files (.gmr), one for the Hex to Tet conversion and one for the final converted geometry. Those may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding _gmr.xml files.

5.A mesh plot file (.msh) containing the mesh with element and group numbers that may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding _mesh.xml file.



Step04 Restoration simulation



1.The restoration data file defining the data required for the simulation.

2.Any file containing data required for the restoration simulation but which has optionally been defined in a separate data file (e.g. in the present case we have adopted this approach for geostatic data, the restoration surface and materials).

3.The .geo file containing the TET mesh geometry obtained from workflow step 03.

4.The .geometry file for the TET mesh geometry obtained from the workflow step 03.

5.The .spat files containing the grids with distribution of properties imported from zmap data to be used in restoration which were obtained in workflow step 01 (Facies in the present case)



1.Run the restoration data file with ParaGeo



6.Restoration results (.plt and .gmr files) which may be visualized in ParaView by loading the corresponding .xmf files.

7.A .geo file for each restored formation. Those contain the nodal coordinates and restoration displacements for every restoration stage and will be used in the next workflow step to obtain the forward simulation data.

8.A .spat file for each restored formation. Those contain spatial grids with the facies distribution for the corresponding restored formation at its back-stripped configuration (before being deactivated). Such grids will be used to siign facies distributions to deposited layers during the forward simulation (workflow step 06) .xml file.



Step05 Generation of the forward simulation data from restoration results



1.The .geo files for all restored formations obtained from the workflow step 04.

2.The restoration to forward conversion data file.



1.Define the appropriate data within the restoration to forward conversion data file. It is recommended to append e.g. "_fsim" to the output analysis file name defined within Util_forward_create in order to avoid potential confusion with files obtained from previous workflow steps.

2.Run the restoration to forward conversion data file with ParaGeo



9.A .geo file containing the initial geometry for the forward simulation.

10.A .dat file containing the generated ParaGeo forward simulation data

11.Files with ParaGeo data for each formation required for the forward simulation. Those include:

a.FormationName.dat containing the part geometry data to drive the boundary displacements during the deposition of the corresponding formation

b.FormationName.sed containing the sedimentation horizon for the corresponding formation.

12.A geometry plot file (.gmr) containing the geometry configuration at the end of each deposition stage. Those may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding _gmr.xml files.

13.A .GeoSumm file containing a summary of the geometry data for the initial geometry within the .geo file in ASCII format.



Step06 Forward simulation



3.The .geo file for the initial forward simulation geometry obtained from the workflow step 05.

4.The forward simulation data file obtained from the workflow step 05 (to be edited).

5.The additional data files (.dat and .sed) obtained from the workflow step 05.

6.The .spat files containing the facies distributions for deposition of each formation obtained from workflow step 04.

7.Any file containing additional data required in the forward simulation (e.g. materials, geostatic data, etc)



3.Edit the forward simulation data file with any missing data required for the simulation. Note that the edits required will depend on the data defined during restoration to forward conversion (workflow step 05) and the particular requirements of the simulation. For the present case only definition of Facies_definition and Spatial_state_set was required (minimum edits required). Other potential edits may include definition of history data output (History_point, History_section_line, etc), changes to frequency of plot file output, any changes desired between stages (e.g. mesh refinement at a given stage via re-definition of adaptivity data), etc.

4.Run the forward simulation data file with ParaGeo



14.Forward simulation output results. Those may include:

a.Plot files (.plt) and geometry plot files (.gmr) and may be visualised in ParaView  by loading the corresponding .xmf files

b.History data as requested in the simulation data file. This may be processes in a spreadsheet.