Data Structure: Geometry_line |
Description |
Geometry lines and associated definition data |
Usage |
Geometry_line NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Geometry_line data structure stores the definition of a geometry line together with the associated data including: •Points and nodes that define the line •Line facets •Background mesh if present •Mesh generation related data
Notes •A Geometry_line data structure is defined for each line. •The Geometry_line data structure may be updated during the analysis due to remeshing operations and geometry update operations; e.g. deposition, erosion, pinchout, etc.
Nodes List of nodes defining line |
Usage |
Description |
List of nodes defining line.
Elements List of elements defining line |
Usage |
Description |
List of elements defining line.
Faces List of faces for each element defining line |
Usage |
Description |
List of faces for each element defining line.
Line_type Line type (1-linear, 2-quadratic, 3-cubic, 4-polyline) |
Usage |
Description |
Line type: • 1 - Linear (defined by two points) • 2 - Quadratic (a parametric line defined by three points) • 3 - Cubic (a parametric line defined by four points) • 4 - Polyline (a faceted line defined by an arbitrary number of nodes)
Notes •Polylines have the advantage that they can be defined by an arbitrary number of nodes and therefore can represent complex shapes. Currently polylines are treated as faceted lines. Consequently, when defining polylines an appropriate number of points must be defined in order to represent the desired geometrical complexity. |
Points List of points defining line |
Usage |
Description |
List of points defining line.
Part_geometry Part geometry surfaces to be used as a background mesh |
Usage |
Description |
Part geometry surface to be used as a background mesh. The part geometry surfaces do not have to conform with the geometry of the lines defining the model surface but must be sufficiently large to fully encompass the geometry surface. |
Mesh_gen_angle_tol Tolerance angle for node insertion |
Usage |
Description |
Tolerance angle for node insertion at location of nodes in the background mesh where the facet angle is large. The value is specified in degrees. If a value of zero (default) is specified then the line will be assumed to be continuous.