Data Structure: Geometry_surface |
Description |
Geometry surfaces and associated definition data |
Usage |
Geometry_surface NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Geometry_surface data structure stores the definition of a geometry surface together with the associated data including: •Lines that define the surface •Surface mesh or tessellation if present •Edge table and background mesh element data •Background mesh if present •Mesh generation related data
Notes •A Geometry_surface data structure is defined for each surface •The Geometry_surface data structure may be updated during the analysis due to remeshing operations and geometry update operations; e.g. deposition, erosion, pinchout, etc.
Nodes List of nodes defining surface |
Usage |
Description |
List of nodes defining surface.
Elements List of elements defining surface |
Usage |
Description |
List of elements defining surface.
Faces List of faces for each element defining surface |
Usage |
Description |
List of faces for each element defining surface.
Facets List of facets for current mesh (for volume meshes) |
Usage |
Description |
List of facets for current mesh (for volume meshes).
Facets_nnode Number of nodes on each facet for volume meshes |
Usage |
Description |
Number of nodes on each facet. Only required if the volume elements have a mixed number of nodes on the facet; e.g. pentrahedral (prism) or pyramid.
Topology Element topology for current mesh (for surface meshes) |
Usage |
Description |
Element topology for current mesh (for surface meshes).
Properties Properties for current mesh |
Usage |
Description |
Properties for current mesh.
Volumes List of volumes using the surface |
Usage |
Description |
List of volumes using the surface.
Volume_elements List of element pointers to volume |
Usage |
Description |
List of pointers to the element corresponding to each surface facet for each volume.
Volume_Faces List of faces for the element corresponding to each surface facet for each volume |
Usage |
Description |
List of faces for the element corresponding to each surface facet for each volume.
Tsurf_filename Name of file containing gocad tsurf definition for surface |
Usage |
Description |
Name of file containing gocad tsurf definition for the surface.
Part_geometry Part geometry surfaces to be used as a background mesh |
Usage |
Description |
Part geometry surface to be used as a background mesh. The part geometry surfaces do not have to conform with the geometry of the lines defining the surface but must be sufficiently large to fully encompass the geometry surface. |
Surface_type Surface type (1-linear param, 2-quadratic param, 3-cubic param, 4-Tessellated, 5-multi-sided fla |
Usage |
Description |
Surface type: • 1 - Linear parametric (Structured mesh only) • 2 - Quadratic parametric (Structured mesh only) • 3 - Cubic parametric (Not available) • 4 - Tessellated (Unstructured mesh only) • 5 - Multi-sided flat (Structured and Unstructured mesh)
Mesh_check_level Level of checking for complex surface during mesh generation |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the level of checking for complex surface during mesh generation. Valid mesh check levels are: • 1 - Full checking (default) • 2 - Reduced checks for simple surfaces or surfaces with poor background grids (save CPU time)
Lines List of lines defining surface |
Usage |
Description |
List of lines defining surface.
Internal_line_flag Flag denoting that lines are internal lines |
Usage |
Description |
Flag denoting that lines are internal to the surface and not forming part of an internal surface boundary; i.e. a hole in the surface (either a true hole or another surface contained within this surface.