The data file for this exercise is located in GeomSect_001/Exercices/Case2/Data. Look for ! TODO text in the datafile and follow the instructions.
In this example sectioning of the geometry will be performed only for selected groups. To perform this exercise modify the data as follows:
Data File |
* Geometry_section_surface ! --------------------------------- Section_type "ZX_plane" Reference_location IDM=1 1000.0 Output_level 3 Groups IDM=2 "formation2" "formation3"
1The data in Geometry_section_surface is modified so only formation2 and formation3 are exported in the sectioned geometry. |
The result files for the project are in directory: GeomSect_001\Case2\Results. Note that the sectioned 2D geometry is oriented within plane XY as 2D problems in ParaGeo must be oriented in that plane.
Sectioning results for Case2. Initial geometry with sectioning plane in red (left). Sectioned geometry (right)