GeomSect_001 Case3 Section parallel to plane YZ


The data file for this exercise is located in GeomSect_001/Exercices/Case3/Data. Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


In this example the section is performed to a plane parallel to plane YZ by modifying the data as shown below.


Data File



* Geometry_section_surface  

! ---------------------------------

 Section_type       "YZ_plane"

 Reference_location     IDM=1


 Output_level               3

 Groups   IDM=4








1The section type is set to YZ_plane.

2The reference location is set to 3300.0 (X = 3300 m).




The result files for the project are in directory: GeomSect_001\Case3\Results.   Note that the sectioned 2D geometry is oriented within plane XY as 2D problems in ParaGeo must be oriented in that plane. The section at this location intersects 2 faults. Thus formation1 and formation3 (which correspond to groups 2 and 4) appear split in the sectioned geometry.



Sectioning results for Case3. Initial geometry with sectioning plane in red (left). Sectioned geometry (right) with coloured groups to facilitate visualization.