Data Structure: Geostatic_data |
Description |
geostatic set data structure |
Usage |
Geostatic_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Geostatic_data may be used, in conjunction with Geostatic_control_data, Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_state_set data structures, to specify an initial material and stress state. The objective is to specify a state that is approximately in equilibrium at the start of the simulation, typically requiring distributions of stress, pore pressure porosity and state variables to be defined or evaluated.
For simple cases, the geostatic state may be defined in a single analysis stage (step), and Geostatic_control_data may not be required. In more complex cases, e.g. with sliding contact, a multiple step initialization procedure may be optimal, or other features; e.g. displacement re-initialisation, may be required. In this case Geostatic_control_data must also be specified.
Initialisation with Geostatic_data is quite flexible and different initialisation data can be assigned to each element group. Initialisation can be either: •Constant stress and pore pressure via Initial_stress and Pore_pressure respectively, or •Dependent on gravity, in which case stress is defined via K-values ( K_value_x, K_value_y, K_value_z)
Porosity may be either: •Constant, •Defined as a function of depth (via Porosity_spatial), or •defined via a spatial grid (see Spatial_state_set) Note that if porosity is defined using Spatial_state_set then a two step initialisation procedure is recommended (see later)
Pore pressure may be defined as: •"None" if no pore pressure data is specified •"Constant" if Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial is specified. •"Hydrostatic" if Overpressure or Overpressure_spatial is specified without specifying either Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial. For geomechanical only drained and undrained simulations the default pore pressure is "Hydrostatic" if gravity is specified.
An overpressure may also be specified if the pore pressure distribution is "Hydrostatic" (see Overpressure or Overpressure_spatial keywords for further clarification).
Stress Initialisation with constant porosity Stress initialisation with constant porosity may be performed for cases with and without gravity. •No Gravity: Stress and pore pressure are specified using Initial_stress and Pore_pressure respectively. •Gravity active: Stress and pore pressure may be initialised by specifying K-values ( K_value_x, K_value_y, K_value_z) and pore pressure using the Pore_pressure_distribution set to "Hydrostatic" together with over-pressure options if required.
Stress and porosity initialization using porosity vs. depth curve In this case porosity and stress are both initialised using the data specified on Geostatic_data. The steps in the evaluation are: •Evaluate the porosity as a function of depth for all elements •Evaluate the vertical stress using density derived from porosity depth curve assuming uniaxial burial assumptions (no stress arching). •Set horizontal stresses using K-values •Initialise element plastic volume strain using stress state (if poroelastic), reference and initial porosity using uniaxial burial assumptions.
For this case: •If the porous flow flag corresponds to a case with pore pressure then the pore pressure is also computed. •The Porosity state is always initialized on the first step. •The stress state can be either initialized instantaneously or applied gradually by defining a time curve ( Time_curve ). The latter is recommended if a fully geostatic state cannot be defined; e.g. sloping sediment surfaces, usage of contact surfaces (e.g. faults and detachments), etc.
Porosity Initialization via Spatial Grid If the porosity is initialised using a spatial grid, this operation is performed prior to geostatic initialisation. The recommended initialisation procedure is then dependent on how stress is initialised; i.e.:
Stress defined via geostatic data: •Perform a geostatic step assuming elastic material to evaluate the spatial distribution vertical effective stress. If k-Values have been specified then they will be applied to ensure that the horizontal stress state approximately satisfies these values •Perform a second geostatic step with: 1 - Strength initialisation based on the elastic stress state and the reference and initial porosity (unless the state variables defining the yield surface have also been specified using the spatial grid) 2 - Relax the elastic stresses if the stress state lies outside the yield surface
Stress defined via spatial grid (including vertical stress). Perform a geostatic step with: •Strength initialisation based on the elastic stress state and the reference and initial porosity (unless the state variables defining the yield surface have also been specified using the spatial grid) •Relax the elastic stresses if the stress state lies outside the yield surface
Notes •Several geostatic_data sets may be specified. This may be desirable for example when different geostatic properties are required for different geometry entities.
Name Name of the geostatic data set |
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Description |
Defines the name of the geostatic data set (Maximum of 32 characters).
Active_flag Flag indicating whether the set is currently active |
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Flag indicating whether the set is currently active. Valid values are: • 1 - Active (default) • 0 - Inactive but may be activated later (e.g. during deposition)
Group_numbers List of element groups (Optional) |
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Specifies the list of groups (by number) to be assigned this geostatic set. If Group_numbers is specified then Groups and Units should not be specified.
Groups List of group names |
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Specifies the list of groups (defined by name) to be assigned this geostatic set. If Groups is specified then Group_numbers and Units should not be specified.
Units List of unit names |
Usage |
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Specifies the list of stratigraphy units to be assigned this geostatic set. If Units is specified then Group_numbers and Groups should not be specified.
Initial_stress Initial constant stresses for assigned groups |
Usage |
Description |
Initial_stress is used to define constant initial stresses for all groups. Initial stresses are defined via three values: •Location 1 - Stress XX •Location 2 - Stress YY •Location 3 - Stress ZZ •Location 4 - Stress XY (Optional) •Location 5 - Stress YZ (Optional) •Location 6 - Stress ZX (Optional)
Notes •Stress XX, YY and ZZ must be specified but the shear stresses are optional
Saturation Initial saturation for assigned groups |
Usage |
Description |
Defines a constant initial saturation for all elements in each of the assigned groups. •Location 1 - Phase 1 saturation •Location 2 - Phase 2 saturation (if total fluid phases = 3)
Notes •Note that the number of data should be NPHASE-1, where NPHASE is the total number of fluid phases. •Saturation data must be present during initialisation of multiphase flow field.
Phase_saturation_id Phase IDs to identify target fluid phases of prescribed initial saturation in 3-phase flow cases |
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Description |
Defines the phase IDs of prescribed initial saturation •Location 1 - Phase ID of initial saturation at Phase_saturation Location 1 •Location 2 - Phase ID of initial saturation at Phase_saturation Location 2
Notes •Note that the number of data should be NPHASE-1, where NPHASE is the total number of fluid phases. •Phase_saturation_id is compulsory for 3-phase flow case.
Initial_stress_spatial_grid Name of spatial grid containing initial stresses |
Usage |
Description |
Initial_stress_spatial_grid allows to assign a spatial grid from which the initial stress state is imported
Pore_pressure_distribution Type of pore pressure distribution |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the distribution type for the basic prescribed geostatic pore pressure. Valid types are: • "None" - No pore pressure initialisation • "Constant" - Constant pore pressure, with or without additional overpressure • "Hydrostatic" - Hydrostatic pore pressure, with or without additional overpressure (see Overpressure for further clarification)
Notes If Pore_pressure_distribution is not specified for a problem where the flow field is active is set by default to: •"None" if no pore pressure data is specified •"Constant" if Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial is specified. •"Hydrostatic" if Overpressure or Overpressure_spatial is specified without specifying either Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial . For geomechanical only drained and undrained simulations the default pore pressure is "Hydrostatic" if gravity is specified. |
Saturation_distribution Type of saturation distribution |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the distribution type for the initial prescribed saturation. Valid types are: • "None" - No saturation initialisation • "Constant" - Constant saturation • "Depth_dependent" - Depth-dependent saturation • "Grid" - Saturation defined by spatial grid
Gas_oil_contact Gas-oil contact |
Usage |
Description |
Depth at which gas and oil come into contact
Water_oil_contact Water-oil contact |
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Depth at which water and oil come into contact
Pore_pressure Initial pore pressure for group |
Usage |
Description |
Defines a constant initial pore pressure for all elements in each of the assigned groups.
Pore_pressure_spatial Initial pore pressure spatial variation assignment |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to specify the initial pore pressure distribution for the problem.
Notes •When assigning a spatial variation to pore pressure care must be taken to provide an initial stress field that is close to geostatic equilibrium. It is recommended that a time curve Time_curve is assigned to gradually ramp up the initial stress in a geostatic control step.
Pore_pressure_spatial_grid Name of spatial grid containing initial pore pressure |
Usage |
Description |
IF Pore_pressure_spatial_grid is specified the initial pore pressure distribution is imported from a spatial grid.
Saturation_spatial Initial saturation spatial variation assignment |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to specify the initial saturation distribution for the problem.
Saturation_spatial_grid Name of spatial grid containing initial Saturation |
Usage |
Description |
IF Saturation_spatial_grid is specified the initial saturation distribution is imported from a spatial grid.
Overpressure Initial overpressure for assigned groups |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the initial overpressure for the assigned groups. The impact of the specified overpressure is dependent on other options set for the geostatic set; i.e. •If pore pressure is specified via Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial then the total pore pressure ( pf) is defined by pf = Pore_pressure + Overpressure. •If Pore_pressure is not specified then the pore pressure is defined as ( pf) = hydrostatic pore pressure + Overpressure •If Pore_pressure is not specified and Overpressure = 0.0 then the pore pressure is hydrostatic.
Overpressure_spatial Initial overpressure spatial variation assignment |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to the initial overpressure. Spatial variation of overpressure has the same application rules as Overpressure; i.e. •If pore pressure is specified via Pore_pressure or Pore_pressure_spatial then the total pore pressure ( pf) is defined by pf = Pore_pressure + Overpressure. •If Pore_pressure is not specified then the pore pressure is defined as ( pf) = hydrostatic pore pressure + Overpressure •If Pore_pressure is not specified and Overpressure = 0.0 then the pore pressure is hydrostatic.
Temperature Initial temperature for group or surface temperatue |
Usage |
Description |
Temperature is used to define: •Initial constant temperature for assigned groups if Temperature_gradient is not specified. •Surface temperature if Temperature_gradient, which defines temperature as a function of depth, is defined. •Reference temperature for assigned groups if Temperature_spatial is specified.
Temperature_gradient Temperature gradient as a function of depth |
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Description |
Temperature gradient is used to define the temperature as a function of depth below the surface of the model. The surface temperature may be defined using Temperature otherwise the surface temperature will be set to a default value of 0 �C.
Temperature_spatial Initial temperature spatial variation assignment |
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Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to define the initial temperature.
Temperature_spatial_grid Name of spatial grid containing initial temperature |
Usage |
Description |
IF Temperature_spatial_grid is specified the initial temperature distribution is imported from a spatial grid.
Time_curve Time curve name or number |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns the time curve (by number) to be used in setting the initial geostatic state. If no time curve is assigned then the stress, pore pressure and temperature are applied as instantaneous loads.
K_value_x K-value in X direction |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the horizontal K-value in X direction ( Kx ). The horizontal effective stress in X direction σxx is then defined as: σxx =Kxσv where σv is the vertical effective stress.
Notes •If horizontal stress components are defined using K-values, i.e. K_value_x and K_value_y (3D) or K_value_x and K_value_z (2D), then Initial_stress should not be defined.
K_value_y K-value in Z direction (2D) or Y Direction (3D). |
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Description |
Defines the horizontal K-value in the second horizontal direction (Z in 2D or Y in 3D). The horizontal effective stresses are then defined as: •2-D σzz is defined as: σzz =Kzσv •3-D σyy is defined as: σyy =Kyσv where σv is the vertical effective stress.
Notes •If horizontal stress components are defined using K-values, i.e. K_value_x and K_value_y (3D) or K_value_x and K_value_z (2D), then Initial_stress should not be defined. •K_value_y and K_value_z may be used interchangeably regardless of the dimensions of the problem as both refer to the second horizontal stress ratio value (i.e. defining K_value_z in a 3D problem would actually apply the input value to compute the Y stress component as Z is the vertical direction)
K_value_x_spatial Horizontal K-value spatial variation assignment in X direction |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to define the horizontal K-value in X direction.
K_value_y_spatial Horizontal K-value spatial variation assignment in Y or Z direction |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to define the horizontal K-value in Y direction or Z direction.
Notes •K_value_y_spatial and K_value_z_spatial may be used interchangeably regardless of the dimensions of the problem as both refer to the second horizontal stress ratio values (i.e. defining K_value_z_spatial in a 3D problem would actually apply the values in the spatial variation to compute the Y stress components as Z is the vertical direction)
Porosity Initial Porosity |
Usage |
Description |
Porosity defines either: •A constant initial porosity if a spatial porosity variation is not assigned •A reference initial porosity for the spatial variation if a spatial porosity variation is assigned
Porosity_spatial Assigns spatial variation data to define the initial porosity |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns spatial variation data to define the initial porosity.
Facies List of material names corresponding to facies ID |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the list Facies names (material names) that will be assigned a porosity-depth curve via Facies_porosity_spatial.
Facies_porosity_spatial Assigns spatial variation data to define the initial porosity on a facies basis |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the list of spatial variation data (e.g. Spatial_variation_definition and Spatial_variation_values) assigned (by ID number) to each facies listed in Facies keyword. This allows each facies to have a different porosity-depth curve during initialisation and during deposition of a formation with facies distribution.
Porosity_spatial_grid Name of spatial grid containing initial porosity |
Usage |
Description |
IF Porosity_spatial_grid is specified the initial porosity distribution is imported from a spatial grid.
Pre_consolidation_flag Pre consolidation pressure flag |
Usage |
Description |
The Pre_consolidation_flag can be used to ensure that no-softening of the pre consolidation pressure occurs during geostatic initialisation. In this case plastic yielding on the shear side of the critical state line is permitted, but does not cause a reduction in pc. Valid values are: • 0 - A reduction in pre consolidation pressure due to dilational plasticity is permitted • 1 - Pre consolidation pressure is only permitted to increase due to plastic yielding (default)
Deposition_flag Flag denoting use of geostatic data with newly deposited groups |
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Description |
Flag denoting use of geostatic data with newly deposited groups. Valid values are: • 0 - Geostatic data will not be applied with newly deposited groups (Default) • 1 - Geostatic data is used with newly deposited groups
Notes •To apply the data to a newly deposited group Geostatic_set_name must be specified on the Sedimentation_data.
Target_stress_flag Flag defining whether the subsequent steps should use the initial stresses as a target |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether the subsequent steps should use the initial stresses as a target. • 0 - Do not use initial stress ses in subsequent geostatic step • 1 - Reinitialise in subsequent steps using target stresses
Target_stress_components Flags defining whether the subsequent steps should use each initial stress component as a target |
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Flags defining whether the subsequent steps should use each initial stress component as a target (1 - use as target, 0 - do not use as target). Notes •If Target_stress_flag is specified and Target_stress_components is not specified then all stress components will be target values