

Data Structure: Group_control_data


Defines the list of active groups for each field


Group_control_data     NUM=ival   where ival  is the data structure number




The Group_control_data structure defines

A list of groups that are to be used in the simulation (generally all the groups specified)

The active status of each group in each field

Although designed to allow arbitrary activation status of groups in each field Parageo is currently only validated for the case where all groups are active in all fields.


The Group_control_data structure must be specified prior to the group_data structures

One data structure is required for all simulations



demonstrating the usage of Group_control_data include:

All examples



Click to expand/collapseGroup_numbers    List of element groups


Click to expand/collapseActive_geomechanical_groups    List of active element groups


Click to expand/collapseActive_porous_flow_groups    List of active porous flow groups


Click to expand/collapseActive_thermal_groups    List of active thermal field groups