Data Structure: History_point |
Description |
History data structure for individual points |
Usage |
History_point NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview the History_point data structure allows creation of time history sets of specific results for individual points. The points are defined by point label and coordinates and are automatically located within the element discretisation. The time history data is written as an ASCII file in comma delimited column format to:
where datafile is the data file name for the model and number is the history set number (ID number of the History_point data structure).
Notes •Several History_point data structures may be specified and additional sets may be added during the analysis •Each history point set is associated with a particular element Group and output of history point data for multiple groups requires specification of multiple History_point data structures. •History_point and History_surface data structures use the same file type for output so that a unique history set number must be specified; i.e. History_point and History_surface data structures with the same number is not permitted. •If a history point does not lie within the element discretisation update of the values for hist_surf point will not be performed
Examples demonstrating the usage of History_point include: •Civan_2d4n_001.dat •eltt_2d3n_003.dat •damp_2d4n_001b.dat
Active_flag Point history active flag |
Usage |
Description |
Defines whether the point history set is active. Generally not required as it is set by default. Valid values are: •-1 - Deactivate and remove if defined • 0 - Not defined • 1 - Defined and active • 2 - Defined, active and checked • 3 - Defined but inactive
Name Name of history set |
Usage |
Description |
Name of history set (maximum 32 characters)
Field_name Field name associated with history set |
Usage |
Description |
Name of field associated with history set. Valid field names are: • "All" - all fields (Default) • "Geomechanical" - Geomechanical field • "Porous Flow" - Porous flow field • "Thermal" - Thermal field
Notes •If "Geomechanical" is specified in a coupled analysis then the history file will output data during geomechanical iterations.
Point_group_name Name of a group to which the history set is a member |
Usage |
Description |
History point sets may be give a Point_group_name. In this case all history sets in the group will be output at the same time, using the time and/or frequency data specified for the first group in the set
Description Description of history set |
Usage |
Description |
Description of history set (maximum 256 characters)
File_name File name for history set |
Usage |
Description |
File Name of history set (maximum 64 characters) with no extension. If not defined the file name will be set by default to ProjectName_(Set Number). The file name should not include free space or special characters.
Group Group number |
Usage |
Description |
Element Group number corresponding to the history point set. All the history points should lie within the discretisation for this element group.
Group_name Name of element group |
Usage |
Description |
Element Group name corresponding to the history point set. All the history points should lie within the discretisation for this element group.
Set_colour Colour assigned to the history set for post-processing |
Usage |
Description |
Colour assigned to the history set for post-processing
Collection_name Name of collection to which the history set belongs |
Usage |
Description |
A history set may be part of a collection of history files group by name; e.g. history sets for a formation that is sub-divided into several stratigraphy units. By default the collection name is the set name. The collection name is used in Matina to group history sets; e.g. for a formation |
Collection_colour Name of collection to which the history set belongs |
Usage |
Description |
A history set may be part of a collection of history files group by name; e.g. history sets for a formation that is sub-divided into several stratigraphy units. By default the collection name is the set name.
Output_frequency_increment Increment output frequency |
Usage |
Description |
The number of time steps between each output to the history file.
Notes •If both incremental output frequency Output_frequency_increment and Output_frequency_time are specified they will both be used •Output will always be performed at the end of a control step
Output_frequency_time Time output frequency |
Usage |
Description |
The time between each output to the history file
Notes •If both incremental output frequency Output_frequency_increment and Output_frequency_time are specified they will both be used •Output will always be performed at the end of a control step
Translation_fixity_codes Fixity codes for point displacement |
Usage |
Description |
List of fixity flags for each coordinate dimension: •Fixity in X direction (0-translate with material, 1 - remain fixed in space) •Fixity in Y direction (0-translate with material, 1 - remain fixed in space) •Fixity in Z direction (0-translate with material, 1 - remain fixed in space) (3-D only)
Notes •Flag 0 is default (translate with material)
Element_numbers Element numbers |
Usage |
Description |
Element numbers used to define the history points.
Node_numbers Node numbers |
Usage |
Description |
Node numbers used to define the history points.
Point_labels Point labels (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Labels used to define the history points. If point labels are not defined they will be generated automatically
Point_coordinates Point coordinates (Compulsory) |
Usage |
Description |
Coordinates of history points specified in X,Y format in 2-D and X,Y,Z format in 3-D, e.g.: •Row 1: X1 Y1 •Row 2: X2 Y2 •... •Row n: Xn Yn Where n is the number of points in the history set
Displacements Displacements |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the displacements components required in history file. Valid labels are: • Disp_x - Displacement in X direction • Disp_y - Displacement in Y direction • Disp_z - Displacement in Z direction (3D only)
Velocities Velocities |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the mechanical field velocity components required in history file. Valid labels are: • Veloc_x - Velocity in X direction • Veloc_y - Velocity in Y direction • Veloc_z - Velocity in Z direction (3D only)
Coordinates Coordinates |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the coordinate components required in history file. Valid labels are: • Coord_x - X-Coordinate • Coord_y - Y-Coordinate • Coord_z - Z-Coordinate (3D only)
Stresses Stresses |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the stress components required in history file. Valid labels are: • Strs_xx - Direct Stress in X direction • Strs_yy - Direct Stress in Y direction • Strs_zz - Direct Stress in Z direction • Strs_xy - Shear Stress in XY direction • Strs_yz - Shear Stress in YZ direction (3D only) • Strs_zx - Shear Stress in ZX direction (3D only)
Strains Strains |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the strain components required in history file. Valid labels are: • Strn_xx - Direct Strain in X direction • Strn_yy - Direct Strain in Y direction • Strn_zz - Direct Strain in Z direction • Strn_xy - Shear Strain in XY direction • Strn_yz - Shear Strain in YZ direction (3-D only) • Strn_zx - Shear Strain in ZX direction (3-D only)
Stress_invariants Stress invariants |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the stress invariants required in history file. Valid labels are: • Press - Effective mean stress (p') • Efstrs - Deviatoric effective stress (q) • Strs_p1 - Principal stress 11 - (most tensile) • Strs_p2 - Principal stress 22 - (intermediate) • Strs_p3 - Principal stress 33 - (Most compressive)
Strain_invariants Strain invariants |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the strain invariants required in history file. Valid labels are: • Vol_stn - Volumetric strain • Efstrn - Deviatoric effective strain • Strn_p1 - Principal strain 11 - (most tensile) • Strn_p2 - Principal strain 22 - (intermediate) • Strn_p3 - Principal strain 33 - (Most compressive)
Element_data Element data |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the element values required in history file. The element values are dependent on the field type and in some cases whether the variable is relevant for the chosen simulation options. Valid labels are:
• Elt_volu - element volume (3-D) or area (2-D) • Porosity - element porosity • Elt_pore - element average pore pressure • Elt_temp - element average temperature • Mat_no - Material assignment number • Group_no - Group assignment number • Elt_mass - Element mass • Crit_tim - Element critical time step • Elt_dens - Element density • Por_geoc - Current pore pressure in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only) • Por_Geot - Current pore pressure in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only) • Cou_stif - Current Coupling Bulk modulus in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only)
Nodal_pore_pressure Variables at nodes in porous flow field |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the nodal variables in the porous flow field required in history file. Valid labels are: • Pore_nod - Pore pressure at nodes in porous flow field
Porous_flow_data Porous flow data |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the porous flow field data required in history file. Valid labels are: • Pf_velocx - Fluid flow rate in X direction • Pf_velocy - Fluid flow rate in Y direction • Pf_velocz - Fluid flow rate in Z direction (3D only) • Pf_gradx - Pore pressure gradient components in X direction • Pf_grady - Pore pressure gradient components in Y direction • Pf_gradz - Pore pressure gradient components in Z direction (3D only)
Phase_names Multiphase flow data |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the multiphase flow field data required in history file.
Nodal_temperature Variables nodes in thermal field |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the nodal variables in the thermal field required in history file. Valid labels are: • Temp_nod - Temperature at nodes in thermal field
Thermal_data Thermal data |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the thermal field data required in history file. Valid labels are: • Tm_velocx - Thermal flux in X direction • Tm_velocy - Thermal flux in Y direction • Tm_velocz - Thermal flux in Z direction (3D only) • Tm_gradx - Thermal gradient in X direction • Tm_grady - Thermal gradient in Y direction • Tm_gradz - Thermal gradient in Z direction (3D only)
Elastic_state_variables Elastic state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the elastic state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • Young - Young's Modulus • Poiss - Poisson's Ratio • Young11 - Youngs Modulus E(11) • Young22 - Youngs Modulus E(22) • Young33 - Youngs Modulus E(33) • Poiss12 - Poissons Ratio v(12) • Poiss23 - Poissons Ratio v(23) • Poiss31 - Poissons Ratio v(31) • Shear12 - Shear Modulus G(12) • Shear23 - Shear Modulus G(23) • Shear31 - Shear Modulus G(31)
Poroelastic_state_variables Poroelastic state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the poroelastic state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • E_kappa - Unloading Modulus
Plastic_state_variables Plastic state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the plastic state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • P_flag - Plasticity flag • P_strn - Effective Plastic Strain • P_strn_r - Effective Plastic Strain Rate • P_strnv - Plastic Volume Strain • P_strnxx - Plastic Strain XX • P_strnyy - Plastic Strain YY • P_strnzz - Plastic Strain ZZ • P_strnxy - Plastic Strain XY • P_strnyz - Plastic Strain YZ • P_strnzx - Plastic Strain ZX • P_epvcom - Max. compressive volume strain • P_epvten - Max. tensile volume strain • P_conver - Convergence Flag • P_comc - Pre-Consolidation Pressure • P_tenc - Tensile Intercept • P_state - Plastic state • P_stten - Plastic state - Tension • P_stshr - Plastic State - Shear • P_stcap - Plastic State - Cap • P_strv_r - Plastic Volume strain rate • P_beta - Friction Angle (Beta) • P_psi - Dilation Angle (Psi) • P_d - Intercept (D) • P_yield - von Mises Yield Stress • R_ft1 - Rot. Crack Tensile stress 1 • R_ft2 - Rot. Crack Tensile stress 2 • R_ft3 - Rot. Crack Tensile stress 3 • R_epstn1 - Rot. Crack Total strain in 1 • R_epstn2 - Rot. Crack Total strain in 2 • R_epstn3 - Rot. Crack Total strain in 3 • R_edamg1 - Rot. Crack Damaged moduli 1 • R_edamg2 - Rot. Crack Damaged moduli 2 • R_edamg3 - Rot. Crack Damaged moduli 3 • R_damfac - Rot. Crack Damage Factor • R_psang1 - Rot. Crack Angle 11 • R_psang2 - Rot. Crack Angle 22 • R_psang3 - Rot. Crack Angle 33 • R_state1 - Rot. Crack Fracture state 1 • R_state2 - Rot. Crack Fracture state 2 • R_state3 - Rot. Crack Fracture state 3 • R_elam1 - Rot. Crack Elastic modulus 1 • R_elam2 - Rot. Crack Elastic modulus 2 • R_elam3 - Rot. Crack Elastic modulus 3 • R_strn1 - Rot. Crack Fracture strain 1 • R_strn2 - Rot. Crack Fracture strain 2 • R_strn3 - Rot. Crack Fracture strain 3 • R_peak1 - Rot. Crack Peak tensile stress 1 • R_peak2 - Rot. Crack Peak tensile stress 2 • R_peak3 - Rot. Crack Peak tensile stress 3 • R_strs1 - Rot. Crack Normal Stress 1 • R_strs2 - Rot. Crack Normal Stress 2 • R_strs3 - Rot. Crack Normal Stress 3 • R_esoft1 - Rot. Crack Softening modulus 1
Hardening_state_variables Hardening state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the hardening state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • H_lambda - Hardening modulus • H_epvcom - Maximum compressive volume strain • H_epvten - Maximum tensional volume strain
Plas_anisotropy_state_variables Plastic state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the plastic anisotropy state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Currently available variables are: • Pa_alpha - Alpha Rotational Hardening • Pa_m - m(Alpha) Hardening parameter • Pa_ad_xx - Alpha(d)XX Rotational hardening • Pa_ad_yy - Alpha(d)YY Rotational hardening • Pa_ad_zz - Alpha(d)ZZ Rotational hardening • Pa_ad_xy - Alpha(d)XY Rotational hardening • Pa_ad_yz - Alpha(d)YZ Rotational hardening • Pa_ad_zx - Alpha(d)ZX Rotational hardening
Plastic_rate_state_variables Plastic rate state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the plastic rate state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • P_gamma - Gamma Value
Viscoplastic_state_variables Viscoplastic state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the viscoplastic state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Currently available variables are: • V_flag - Viscoplastic state • V_strn - Viscoplastic Strain • V_strn_r - Viscoplastic Strain Rate • V_strnv - Viscoplastic Volume Strain • V_strnxx - Viscoplastic Strain XX • V_strnyy - Viscoplastic Strain YY • V_strnzz - Viscoplastic Strain ZZ • V_strnxy - Viscoplastic Strain XY • V_strnyz - Viscoplastic Strain YZ • V_strnzx - Viscoplastic Strain ZX • V_strs - Viscoplastic Stress • V_viscos - Viscoplastic Viscosity
Porous_flow_state_variables Porous flow state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the porous flow state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data and Fluid_properties for more information). They comprise: • Flu_satu - Fluid saturation • Biot_con - Biot constant • Flu_visc - Fluid viscosity • Flu_dens - Fluid density • Perm_e - Isotropic permeability • Perm_x - Permeability in x direction • Perm_y - Permeability in y direction • Perm_z - Permeability in z direction • Perm_m - Permeability multiplier • Storty - Storativity • Knd_num - Knudsen number • knd_rar - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient • Knd_mul - Knudsen permeability multiplier • Knud_numx - Knudsen number in X direction • Knud_numy - Knudsen number in Y direction • Knud_numz - Knudsen number in Z direction • Knud_rarx - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in X direction • Knud_rary - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in Y direction • Knud_rarz - Knudsen rarefaction coefficient in Z direction • Knud_mulx - Knudsen permeability multiplier in X direction • Knud_muly - Knudsen permeability multiplier in Y direction • Knud_mulz - Knudsen permeability multiplier in Z direction
Multiphase_flow_state_variables Multiphase flow state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the multiphase flow state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data and Fluid_properties for more information). They comprise: • Rel_perm - relative permeability • Form_fac - formation volume factor • Gas_comp - gas compressibility • Mass_rat - liquid-gas mass transfer ratio • Flu_stf - fluid stiffness • DformInv - d(1/formation_volume_factor)/dp • D_lgrat - d(liquid_gas_ratio)/dp • D_sat - d(saturation)/dpc • D_rpm - d(Relative permeability)/d(saturation1)
Regularization_state_variables Regularization state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the regularization state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Currently available variables are: • Reg_fact - Regularization factor
Diagenesis_state_variables Diagenesis state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the diagenesis state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • C_poros - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change • C_poros1 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 1 • C_poros2 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 2 • C_poros3 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 3 • C_poros4 - Non-Mechanical Porosity Change - Reaction 4
Thermal_state_variables Thermal state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the thermal state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Currently valid variables are: • Condb - Bulk conductivity • Condb_x - Bulk conductivity in X • Condb_y - Bulk conductivity in Y • Condb_z - Bulk conductivity in Z • Sheatb - Bulk specific heat • Condg - Grain conductivity • Condg_x - Grain conductivity in X • Condg_y - Grain conductivity in Y • Condg_z - Grain conductivity in Z • Sheatg - Grain specific heat • Condf - Fluid conductivity • Sheatf - Fluid specific heat • Peclet - Peclet number
Decompaction_state_variables Decompaction state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the decompaction state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Currently available variables are: • D_depcur - Decomp. Current Depth • D_depref - Decomp. Reference Depth (curr) • D_depprv - Decomp. Depth at previous step • D_strnv - Decomp. Vol.Strain Increment • D_porchg - Decomp. Porosity change (presc) • D_porprv - Decomp. Porosity (Depth) time t • D_porstp - Decomp. Porosity change (step)
Direct_decomp_state_variables Directional decompaction state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the directional decompaction state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information) • D_depcur - Decomp. Current Depth • D_depref - Decomp. Reference Depth (curr) • D_depprv - Decomp. Depth at previous step • D_strnv - Decomp. Vol.Strain Increment • D_porchg - Decomp. Porosity change (presc) • D_stn11t - Decomp. Vol.Strain 11 Component • D_stn22t - Decomp. Vol.Strain 22 Component • D_porprv - Decomp. Porosity (Depth) time t • D_porstp - Decomp. Porosity change (step)
Fracture_state_variables Thermal state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the fracture state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Current available variables are: • F_actflg - Fracture Activation Flag • F_space - Fracture Spacing • F_kn - Fracture Normal Stiffness • F_dispn - Fracture Normal Displacement • F_nstrs - Fracture Normal Stress • F_kn0 - Fracture Initial Normal Stiffness • F_apert0 - Fracture Initial Normal Displacement • F_nstrs0 - Fracture Initial Normal Stress • F_dispmx - Fracture Max. Normal Displacement • F_nstfmx - Fracture Max. Normal Stiffness • F_ks - Fracture Shear Stiffness • F_disps1 - Fracture Shear Displacement 11 • F_disps2 - Fracture Shear Displacement 22 • F_sstrs1 - Fracture Shear Stress 11 • F_sstrs2 - Fracture Shear Stress 22 • F_sflag - Fracture Shear State • F_syield - Fracture Shear Strength • F_cohes - Fracture Shear Cohesion • F_frict - Fracture Shear Friction Angle • F_cohesi - Fracture Shear Initial Cohesion • F_fricti - Fracture Shear Initial Friction Angle • F_sstfmx - Fracture Maximum Shear Stiffness • F_angle1 - Fracture 1 Angle • F_state1 - Fracture 1 State (normal) • F_ft1 - Fracture 1 Strength (normal) • F_nstrs1 - Fracture 1 Stress (normal) • F_nstrn1 - Fracture 1 Strain (normal) • F_time1 - Fracture 1 Initiation time • F_perm1 - Fracture 1 Permeability • F_angle2 - Fracture 2 Angle • F_state2 - Fracture 2 State (normal) • F_ft2 - Fracture 2 Strength (normal) • F_nstrs2 - Fracture 2 Stress (normal) • F_nstrn2 - Fracture 2 Strain (normal) • F_time2 - Fracture 2 Initiation time • F_perm2 - Fracture 2 Permeability • F_edamg1 - Fracture 1 Damaged elastic modulus • F_edamg2 - Fracture 2 Damaged elastic modulus • F_peak1 - Fracture 1 Peak tensile strength • F_peak2 - Fracture 2 Peak tensile strength • F_damfac - Fracture Damage Factor • F_psang1 - Fracture 11 Rot-Crack Angle
Notes •History output values of embedded fractures correspond to a single fracture in the system.
Fracture_set_names List of fracture sets |
Usage |
Description |
List of fracture sets assigned to material by names
Reservoir_state_variables Reservoir state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the Reservoir state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information) • Gas_dens - Gas Density • Gas_sat - Gas Saturation • Mix_dens - Mixture Density • Mix_sat - Mixture Saturation • Oil_dens - Oil Density • Oil_sat - Oil Saturation • Wat_dens - Water Density • Wat_sat - Water Saturation • Cp_geo - Pressure Compressibility (geomechanical) • Cp_res - Pressure Compressibility (reservoir) • Cp_mult - Pressure Compressibility Mult • Cp_mtot - Pressure Compressibility Total • Ct_geo - Thermal Compressibility (geomechanical) • Ct_res - Thermal Compressibility (reservoir) • Ct_mult - Thermal Compressibility Mult • Ct_mtot - Thermal Compressibility Total • Per_mult - Permeability Multiplier • Pore_geo - Geomechanical Porosity • Pore_res - Reservoir Porosity • Res_dom - Domain • Pres_res - Pore Pressure • Temp_res - Temperature • Res_actf - Active Cell Factor • Res_mapf - Mapped Cell Flag • Por_mult - Pore Volume multiplier • Por_mtot - Pore Volume multiplier total
Contact_point_values List of contact point output values |
Usage |
Description |
List of contact point output values. Valid values are: • Node_num - node numbers • Coord_x - X coordinate of contact node • Coord_y - Y coordinate of contact node • Coord_z - Z coordinate of contact node • Depth - Depth of node • C_strsnm - Contact Normal Total stress • C_strsne - Contact Normal Effective stress • C_strstn - Contact Tangential stress • C_nrm_pn - Contact Normal Stiffness • C_nrm_gn - Contact Normal Penetration • C_tng_pn - Contact Tangential Stiffness • C_slip_f - Contact Slip Stick • C_frict - Contact Friction Coefficient • C_cohes - Contact Cohesion • C_sl_cum - Contact Cumulative Slip • C_sl_net - Contact Net Slip • C_sl_max - Contact Max. Net Slip • C_adh_pn - Contact Adhesion Penalty • C_adh_sr - Contact Adhesion Stress • C_adh_yd - Contact Adhesion Strength • C_gn_max - Contact Maximum Gap • C_qprat - Contact Effective Stress Ratio • C_pslip - Contact Nonlinear (Plastic) Slip • C_apert - Contact Aperture • C_apr_0 - Contact Initial Aperture (only applicable to Aperture_model 2) • C_width - Contact Width • C_tfl_co - Contact Tangential Conductivity
Hc_kinetics_state_variables Hydrocarbon kinetics state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the hydrocarbon kinetics state variables required in history file. The possible variables are: • K_VR - Kinetic Vitrinite reflectance • K_PI - Kinetic PI Production index • K_HI - Kinetic HI Hydrocarbon index • K_TR - Kinetic TR Transformation ratio • K_CO - Kinetic CO Concentration of oil • K_CG - Kinetic CG Concentration of gas • K_CKO - Kinetic CKO Concentration of kerogen converted to oil • K_CKG - Kinetic CKG Concentration of kerogen converted to gas • K_CKI - Kinetic CKI Concentration of inert kerogen • K_CGO - Kinetic CGO Concentration of oil converted to gas • K_COE - Kinetic COE Concentration of oil expelled • K_CGE - Kinetic CGE Concentration of gas expelled • K_HC_DEN - Kinetic Hydrocarbon density • K_CHCE_N - Kinetic Concentration of hydrocarbon expelled at time table • K_CK0 - Kinetic CK0 Concentration of kerogen converted to oil at time 0 • K_KTR - Kinetic KTR Kerogen transformation ratio • K_COTOT - Kinetic Total oil (CO + generated) • K_PORSTY - Kinetic Kerogen porosity • K_KERTYP - Kinetic Kerogen identifier number • K_TOC - Kinetic TOC Total organic carbon by weight
Thermal_exp_state_variables Thermal expansion state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the thermal expansion state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • T_bexcof - Thermal Expansion Coeff • T_bexcox - Thermal Expansion Coeff in X • T_bexcoy - Thermal Expansion Coeff in Y • T_bexcoz - Thermal Expansion Coeff in Z
Bond_state_variables bond formation state variables |
Usage |
Description |
Labels defining the bond formation state variables required in history file. The valid data is dependent on the specific models being deployed (see Material_data for more information). Possible variables are: • B_rovr - Bond Over Consolidation Ratio (OCR) • B_epvb - Bond Intrinsic Vol. Plastic strain • B_epvovr - Bond SBS Vol. Plastic strain (Volumetric plastic strain for the OC yield surface) • B_pcb - Bond Intrinsic Pre consolidation Pressure • B_pcovr - Bond SBS Pre consolidation Pressure (Pre consolidation pressure for the OC yield surface) • B_bndflg - Bond Consolidation state flag (defines the active yield surface where 1 is NC and 2 is OC)