

Data Structure: Inverse_case


Defines the data considered for the current inverse case


Inverse_case     NUM=ival   where ival  is the data structure number




An optimisation/inverse analysis for a given parameter or set of parameters may require to take into account target results obtained from different experiment setups simultaneously (e.g. the pre-consolidation pressure of a material may be inverted from target results obtained from different triaxial tests at different confining pressures or from a combination of triaxial tests, oedometer tests, etc). Then each experiment setup is considered a different inverse case that is taking into account for the current inverse analysis. Then the Inverse_case data structure is used to identify which of the data defined in the .inp file is associated to a given inverse case. This data comprises:

The File_data structure number (defining the template, target and test folders)

The Misfit_data_set numbers It is also possible to assign weights to the different inverse cases (e.g. we may have more confidence in the results obtained from an oedometer test than the results obtained from a triaxial tests, both taken into account in the present inverse analysis and hence we may decrease the weight of the triaxial test inverse case).



Click to expand/collapseName    Name of the inverse case


Click to expand/collapseDescription    Description of inverse case


Click to expand/collapseMisfit_data_sets    List of misfit data sets numbers


Click to expand/collapseFile_data_num    Number of File_data structure


Click to expand/collapseCase_weight    Weight for the inverse case