Case 1E S-Curve Load Ramp


The data file for this exercise is located in directory: mech_001\Exercises\Case1E\Data. Look for ! TODO  text in the datafile and follow the instructions.


The overshoot in the stress at time t=1.0 is due in part to the instantaneous change from a surface load increasing at constant rate to a constant surface load.  This effect can be minimized by utilizing a nonlinear time curve where there is a smoother transition from increasing load to constant load; e.g. an S-Curve ramp.



The S-Curve provides a smoother transition of the loading state at both the start and end of the load increase.


Data File



* Time_curve_data             NUM=1

! ---------------------------------

 Time_curve    IDM=2

   0.0  1.0

 Load_factor   IDM=2

   0.0  1.0

 Curve_type      2


Curve_type 2 is defined to use an S-Curve ramp for the loading curve



The results are visualized by plotting the high definition history data for global energy and points output in files mech_001_2d_Case1e_000.hdh and mech_001_2d_Case1e_001.hdh respectively.



The time history of stress shows that the S-Curve ramp reduces the overshot at time t=1.0 relative to the linear ramp case (Case 1D).


All curves exhibit only minor dynamic oscillations and the solution is close to quasi-static.   Decreasing the critical time step further would further reduce the amplitude of the oscillations at the expense of greater CPU time.