Data Structure: Mesh_curvature_set |
Description |
data structure |
Usage |
Mesh_curvature_set NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Mesh_curvature_set data structure allows for the increase in mesh density (i.e. decreased element size) for lines with high curvature in order to improve the mesh quality in such regions. The mesh refinement will be performed based on the angle between adjacent facets (according to n specified Target_max_facet_angle).
Notes •Several Mesh_curvature_set data structures may be defined
Name Set name |
Usage |
Description |
Set name
Horizons List of horizon names for point merge operation (optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of stratigraphy horizon names to be used for point merge. This may also contain: •" Surface_horizon " to indicate that the current top surface horizon should be considered •" All_horizons " to indicate that all horizons should be considered
Group_numbers List of groups that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of groups to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all groups that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Groups List of element group names for point merge operation (optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of element groups by name to be used for point merge
Volumes List of volumes that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of volumes to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all volumes that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Surfaces List of surfaces that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of surfaces to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all surfaces that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Lines List of lines that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of lines to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all lines that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Element_sizes Element maximum/minimum size data (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
The upper and lower bound element sizes for elements generated within the region. The upper and lower bound element size are used to control smoothing of the mesh in regions where the target element size changes: • Location 1 - Maximum element size (currently not used) • Location 2 - Minimum element size
Notes •The maximum element size is currently not used as the element size can only decrease as a function of curvature. •If not specified, default values are automatically set.
Region_type Region type (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
The type of adaptive mesh region. Valid types are: • "All" - apply to all elements in groups associated with the adaptivity set • "Rectangular" - Rectangular region in 2-D • "Rectangular" - Hexahedral region in 3-D • "Circular" - Circular region in 2-D • "Circular" - Spherical region in 3-D
Region_size Size data for mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Size data for mesh region. The size data is dependent on the region type:
"All" - Complete Domain No size data required
2-D "Rectangular region" • location 1 - Xmin • location 2 - Ymin • location 3 - Xmax • location 4 - Ymax
3-D "Rectangular" (hexahedral) region • location 1 - Xmin • location 2 - Ymin • location 3 - Zmin • location 4 - Xmax • location 5 - Ymax • location 6 - Zmax
2-D "Circular" region • location 1 - Xcent • location 2 - Ycent • location 3 - Radius
3-D "Circular" (spherical) region • location 1 - Xcent • location 2 - Ycent • location 2 - Zcent • location 3 - Radius
Target_max_facet_angle Target maximum facet angle between adjacent facets |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the target maximum facet angle (in degrees) between two adjacent facets. The element size is thus defined as follows:
ElemSizenew = max(MinElemSize, ElemSizecurr· angletarg/anglecurr)
Where: ElemSizenew is the new element size after refinement ElemSizecurr is the current element size (at evaluation time) MinElemSize is the minimum element size defined in Element_sizes angletarg is the defined target maximum facet angle and anglecurr is the current facet angle