Data Structure: Mesh_region |
Description |
Mesh region data structure |
Usage |
Mesh_region NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Definition of a Mesh_region allows the definition of a region in the location with target mesh element sizes different from the default mesh element size or other mesh regions (Unstructured mesh only). It should be noted that the mesh regions will assign the target element size to the geometry points enclosed within the defined region. Consequently a mesh region defined within a given domain but which does not contain any geometry point will not have any effect. When the objective is to define a geometry with an initial mesh including a region(s) with finer element sizes, the recommended approach is to use adaptivity. This provides more flexibility in defining mesh regions because target element sizes may be asigned to the nodes of the previous mesh (including nodes internal to the domain). Thus the recommended approach involves: •1 - Defining separate data files for mesh generation and simulation steps •2 - In the mesh generation step Adaptivity_control_data and the required\Adaptivity_set_data sets will be used to define the target mesh with the corresponding regions. Remeshing may be enforced with appropiate definition of Error_evaluation_frequency and Maximum_remesh_frequency. The datafile will be used to export a .geo file with the generated mesh. •3 - The .geo file generated will be read in the simulation datafile.
Region_type Region type (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
The type of mesh region (shape). Valid types are: • "All" - Apply to all elements in groups associated with the adaptivity set • "Rectangular" - Rectangular region in 2D, Hexahedral region in 3D • "Circular" - Circular region in 2D, Spherical region in 3D
Element_size ELement size for region (Compulsory) |
Usage |
Description |
Target eLement size for elements generated in the region.
Groups List of groups that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of groups to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all groups that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Volumes List of volumes that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of volumes to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all volumes that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Surfaces List of surfaces that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of surfaces to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all surfaces that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Lines List of lines that use this mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of lines to which the mesh region is to be applied. By default the mesh region is applied to all lines that completely or partially lie within the region boundary.
Element_sizes Element maximum/minimum size data (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
The upper and lower bound element sizes for elements generated within the region. The upper and lower bound element size are used to control smoothing of the mesh in regions where the target element size changes. If not specified default values are automatically set to the value specified in Element_size. The data is defined as: •Location 1 - Maximum element size •Location 2 - Minimum element size
Region_size Size data for mesh region (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Size data for mesh region. The size data is dependent on the region type:
"All" - Complete Domain No size data required
2-D "Rectangular region" • location 1 - Xmin • location 2 - Ymin • location 3 - Xmax • location 4 - Ymax
3-D "Rectangular" (hexahedral) region • location 1 - Xmin • location 2 - Ymin • location 3 - Zmin • location 4 - Xmax • location 5 - Ymax • location 6 - Zmax
2-D "Circular" region • location 1 - Xcent • location 2 - Ycent • location 3 - Radius
3-D "Circular" (spherical) region • location 1 - Xcent • location 2 - Ycent • location 2 - Zcent • location 3 - Radius