ParaGeo is capable of converting Abaqus input files (.inp), defined using a combination of native Abaqus and additional ParaGeo specific keywords, into ParaGeo data files (.dat) suitable for running a simulation. In this Manual chapter the Abaqus style keywords and their corresponding parameters that are supported by ParaGeo for conversion are described.
It should be noted that nomenclature for data objects is different between Abaqus and ParaGeo (see the figure below). Usually:
oAbaqus keywords are converted to ParaGeo data structures
oAbaqus sub-keywords are converted to ParaGeo Keywords
oAbaqus Parameters are converted to ParaGeo Keywords
oAbaqus values/options are converted to ParaGeo values/options
It should be also noted, however, that in addition to standard Abaqus keywords (keywords which are directly usable in Abaqus), new Abaqus style keywords are available for definition of the input file. These facilitate setting of ParaGeo options which are not available in Abaqus. One example of new Abaqus style keyword is *NSET TYPE, which allows definition of the type of geometry entity (line, surface, volume) defined by an NSET, so that the appropriate geometry entity is used to generate the equivalent ParaGeo Geometry_set.
The workflow for running simulations by using Abaqus input files is therefore summarized in the following steps:
1Abaqus .inp file definition.
2.inp to .dat conversion (generates the equivalent ParaGeo data file)
3Run the .dat converted file