Data Structure: Parameter_data |
Description |
Input/output files |
Usage |
Parameter_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Parameter_data data structure defines the parameters (variables) and parameter ranges to be considered in the inversion analysis.
The inversion paramters may be identified in the data files by either: •Direct specification of the associated material or fluid data structure ( ParaGeo Only). In this case the data structure type and number must be specified for each parameter using Variable_structure_name and Variable_structure_number •Replacing the parameter value with < p> ParameterName < p> in the template data file where ParameterName is an arbitrary name assigned to such parameter.
Name Parameter names |
Usage |
Description |
List of parameter names to be considered in the present inversion analysis. If the parameters are identified in the template data file via < p> ParameterName < p> then the parameter names can be arbitrarily defined and here ParameterName needs to be specified. For inversion using ParaGeo material parameters the list of valid names is:
For inversion of fluid properties valid parameters are:
Knudsen Diffusion
For inversion of fracture properties valid parameters are:
Fracture Normal stiffness
Fracture Shear Stiffness
Fracture Hydraulic fracture
Fracture Shear Strength
Fracture Reference Values
Type Type of parameter |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of parameter for each of the parameters defined via Name keyword. Valid options are: •0 - free (to be evaluated during the inversion with values set within the input range via the Minimum_value and Maximum_value keywords) •1 - prescribed (fixed value using the Value keyword)
Notes |
Value Value of prescribed parameters |
Usage |
Description |
Value keyword is used to define values for the prescribed parameters (those assigned Type = 1). Note that if Value keyword is defined a value must be input for each parameter listed via Name keyword with the values for the free parameters being ignored.
Notes •If all parameters are free then Value does not need to be specified.
Minimum_value Minimum value of free parameters |
Usage |
Description |
Minimum_value keyword is used to define the minimum allowed value for free parameters (those defined with Type = 0) in the models generated during the inversion analysis. Minimum_value keyword must always be defined and a value must be input for each parameter listed in Name keyword with the values for fixed parameters being ignored.
Maximum_value Maximum value of free parameters |
Usage |
Description |
Maximum_value keyword is used to define the maximum allowed value for free parameters (those defined with Type = 0) in the models generated during the inversion analysis. Maximum_value keyword must always be defined and a value must be input for each parameter listed in Name keyword with the values for fixed parameters being ignored.
Variable_structure_name Data structure associated with each parameter |
Usage |
Description |
The Variable_structure_name keyword is used to identify the ParaGeo data structure name containing each of the parameters listed in Name keyword. Currently parameters for inversion can only belong to Material_data or Fluid_properties data structures or they may be inversion parameters defined via usage of < p> ParameterName < p> in the template data file. Then the Variable_structure_name for those must be defined with the ParameterName.
Notes •By default all variables are assumed to be of type < p> ParameterName < p> defined in the template file. Consequently, if all variables are of such type then Variable_structure_name is not required (keyword Name will be sufficient to identify the inversion parameters names).
Variable_structure_number Data structure number associated with a parameter |
Usage |
Description |
The Variable_structure_number keyword is used to identify the ParaGeo data structure number corresponding to each Variable_structure_name in order to fully identify the location of a given inversion (e.g. there may be two Material_data structures defined but a given inversion parameter will belong only to one of those which needs to be identified with the Variable_structure_name and Variable_structure_number ). Variable_structre_number is compulsory if Variable_structure_name is used. Currently parameters for inversion can only belong to Material_data or Fluid_properties data structures or they may be inversion parameters defined via usage of < p > ParameterName < p > in the template data file. Then the Variable_structure_number for those must be set to 0.
Notes •If all variables are defined via < p> ParameterName < p> then neither Variable_structure_name nor Variable_structure_number are required.