Data Structure: Restart_read_data |
Description |
Restart read data |
Usage |
Restart_read_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Restart_read_data structure allows to read restart files created in previous simulation runs in order to take the simulation results at the specified restart time and continue the simulation with any desired changes in the datafile. This may be useful for running parametric studies in which the initial stages should be identical for all cases, or to perform changes to overcome any encountered in the simulation for example. Restart files are created by specifying output on the control data structures i.e. Geomecahnical_control, Porous_flow_control, Thermal_control and Couple_control.
Notes •The Restart_read_data structure should be defined as the first data structure in the data file. Data structures specified prior to the Restart_read_data structure may be over-written when reading the restart file. •The structure is processed once and then deleted
Examples demonstrating the usage of Restart_read_data include: •all rst* examples
Restart_file_name Restart file name |
Usage |
Description |
Restart file name. The restart file name is generally in the form of either: •filename.rst which corresponds to the solution state at the last restart output performed during the simulation. •filename_stage_No.rst where No is the stage number. This restart file corresponds to solution state at the end of stage number No.
New_project_name New project name for the restart analysis |
Usage |
Description |
New_project_name allows the results of the restart analysis to be stored separately from the results of the preceding simulation (it avoids to overwrite the files at times later than the restart time). This facilitates several restart simulations to be performed using a single restart file.