Data Structure: Spatial_grid |
Description |
Spatial variation grid |
Usage |
Spatial_grid NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Spatial_grid data structure defines a spatial distribution of variables on 2D and 3D structured and unstructured grids for definition of spatial variations. The data structure is the control data structure with additional data being specified on: •Spatial_grid_group - the topology and variable values for a specific group
Notes Spatial_grid data can be assigned to the model using: •Spatial_state_set which defines the assignment of spatial variations to element and state variables •Geostatic initialisation procedures. In this case initialisation of state variables specified on the spatial grid that are relevant to geostatic initialisation (e.g. porosity) is performed prior to geostatic initialisation. •Spatial_boundary which defines the assignment of spatial variations to node or element boundary conditions
Active_flag Flag to denote structure defined |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to define whether the spatial grid is active. Generally not required as if the data structure is defined it is set active by default. Valid values are: •-1 - Deactivate and remove if defined • 0 - Not defined • 1 - Defined and active
Name Name of the spatial grid |
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Name of the spatial grid (Maximum of 32 characters)
File_name File name associated with spatial grid |
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File name associated with spatial grid (Maximum of 128 characters)
Operation_type Type of the operation for grid, either read or write |
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Type of the operation to be performed using spatial grid. Valid grid types are: • "Read" - Data will be imported from Grid and mapped to the mesh • "Write" - Data will be mapped to the grid and exported
Type Type of the spatial grid |
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Type of the spatial grid. Valid grid types are: • "Group" - Grid specified on a group by group basis for some or all groups (Default) • "Mesh_external" - Grid specified for the complete external mesh • "Nodal" - Grid specified by node numbers corresponding to the ParaGeo mesh • "Element" - Grid specified by element numbers corresponding to the ParaGeo mesh • "Grid1" - Regular grid with constant division size along each direction (X,Y and Z division sizes may be different). The definition of "Grid1" requires the definition of the grid_origin , the number of cells in each direction ( Num_cells_x, Num_cells_y, Num_cells_z) and the cell length in each direction ( Cell_division_x, Cell_division_y, Cell_division_z) • "Grid2" - Regular grid with variable division sizes in each direction but with rectangular cells. The definition of "Grid2" requires the definition of grid_origin and the cell division sizes in each direction ( Cell_divisions_x, Cell_divisions_y, Cell_divisions_z) • "Grid3" - Regular grid with variable division sizes in each direction (X, Y and Z in 3D; X and Y in 2D). The number of divisions must be constant in each direction, but a division may have zero length (e.g. no need of rectangular cells). "Grid3" is defined using Num_cells_x, k1 Num_cells_y, k1 Num_cells_z and Grid_coordinates. • "Plan1" - 2D A list of point with X ordinates in ascending order and associate values 3D A regular grid defined by N_divx, N_divy and a list of coordinates defining the points with X values varying first. • "Cloud" - A 3D cloud of disconnected points defined by Grid_coordinates and Nodal_values
Group_numbers List of ParaGeo groups by number with Spatial_grid_group data defined |
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Description |
List of ParaGeo groups by number (Grid type "Group" only). These groups correspond to groups with Spatial_grid_group data defined
Groups List of ParaGeo groups by name with Spatial_grid_group data defined |
Usage |
Description |
List of ParaGeo groups by name (Grid type "Group" only). These groups correspond to groups with Spatial_grid_group) data defined
Spatial_groups List of spatial groups |
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Description |
List of spatial groups by name. If Spatial_groups is not defined then the spatial group names are assumed to be idential to the Groups
Element_variables List of element or cell centre variables (Cell_variables) |
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Description |
List of element or cell centre variables defined for the grid; may be defined as either " Element_variables" or " Cell_variables"
Nodal_variables List of nodal or point variables (Point_variables) |
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Description |
List of nodal or point variables defined for the grid; may be defined as either " Nodal_variables", " Point_variables" or " Plan_variables"
Num_cells_x Number of cells or divisions in X direction (Num_division_x) |
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Description |
Number of cells or divisions in X direction ( Nx ); may be defined as either " Num_cells_x" or " Num_division_x"
Num_cells_y Number of cells or divisions in Y direction (Num_division_y) |
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Number of cells or divisions in Y direction ( Ny ); may be defined as either " Num_cells_y" or " Num_division_y"
Num_cells_z Number of cells in Z direction |
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Number of cells in Z direction ( Nz)
Notes •Required for grid types: "Grid1", "Grid2", "Grid3" and "Grid4"
Cell_division_x Cell size in X direction |
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Description |
Cell size in X direction ( Dx)
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid1" and "Grid3"
Cell_division_y Cell size in Y direction |
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Cell size in Y direction ( Dy)
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid1" and "Grid3"
Cell_division_z Cell size in Z direction |
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Description |
Cell size in Z direction ( Dz)
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid1" and "Grid3"
Grid_origin Coordinates of the origin of the grid |
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Coordinates of the origin of the grid; the minimum X,Y and Z ordinates. Grid_origin is required for Grid types "Grid1" and "Grid2" and may also be used with "Grid3" to offset the specified grid coordinates.
Notes •Required for grid types: "Grid1" and "Grid2"
Cell_divisions_x List of cell sizes in X direction |
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Description |
List of cell sizes in X direction
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid2"
Cell_divisions_y List of cell sizes in Y direction |
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Description |
List of cell sizes in Y direction
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid2"
Cell_divisions_z List of cell sizes in Z direction |
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Description |
List of cell sizes in Z direction
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid2"
Grid_coordinates Coordinates of each grid point |
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Description |
Coordinates of each grid point
Notes •Required for grid type: "Grid3"
Cell_coordinates Coordinates of each cell centre |
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Description |
Coordinates of each cell centre (output only). The coordinates of the cell centres are output if cell centre values are requested.
Cell_values Cell centre or Element values (Element_values) |
Usage |
Description |
Table of cell centre or element values ordered: •2D X-row then from the bottom-up (if height dependent) and top-down if (depth dependent) •3D X-row by X-row in the X-Y plane and then from the bottom-up (if height dependent) and top-down if (depth dependent)
Notes •Only valid if the Operation_type is "Read" •May be either defined as " Element_values" or " Cell_values"
Point_values Point or Nodal values (Nodal_values) defined at all grid points |
Usage |
Description |
Point values defined at all grid points and ordered: •2D X-row then from the bottom-up (if height dependent) and top-down if (depth dependent) •3D X-row by X-row in the X-Y plane and then from the bottom-up (if height dependent) and top-down if (depth dependent)
Notes •Only valid if the Operation_type is "Read" •May be either defined as " Point_values", " Nodal_values" or " Plan_values"
Coordinate_system Coordinate system number |
Usage |
Description |
The Coordinate_system keyword is used to assign a coordinate system to a grid if it is not aligned to the global Cartesian system.
Depth_format Flag defining whether the grid lengths in the Z-direciton are defined in terms of depth or Z-Ord |
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Description |
Flag defining whether the grid lengths in the Z-direciton are defined in terms of depth or Z-Ordinate. Valid values are: • 0 - Z ordinate • 1 - Depth (where depth is positive)
Boundary_map_flag Flag defining whether points outside the boundary of a grid should be assigned values |
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Description |
Flag defining whether points outside the boundary of a grid should be assigned values. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not assign values to points outside grid domain • 1 - Assign the values of the closest point for points outside the grid domain (Default)
Search_tolerance Search tolerance for mapping to points outside the grid |
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Description |
Search tolerance for mapping to points outside the grid (Default - unbounded). This value can be used in conjunction with Boundary_map_flag = 1 to map values to elements or nodes outside but close-to the search grid.
Minimum_x_index Minimum X-ordinate point index |
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Description |
Minimum X ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Maximum_x_index Maximum X-ordinate point index |
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Maximum X ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Minimum_y_index Minimum Y-ordinate point index |
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Minimum Y ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Maximum_y_index Maximum Y-ordinate point index |
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Maximum Y ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Minimum_z_index Minimum Z-ordinate point index |
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Minimum Z ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Maximum_z_index Maximum Z-ordinate point index |
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Maximum Z ordinate point index to be used for mapping data from grid (default 1)
Plan_points List of Plan point coordinates |
Usage |
Description |
Plan point coordinates defined at all grid points and ordered: •2D: X coordinates in ascending order •3D: list of X and Y coordinates defining the plan with X values varying first.
Element_numbers List of selected element numbers |
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Description |
List of selected element numbers for group (optional).
Node_to_element_flag Flag for setting element values using a grid defined by nodes of the current mesh |
Usage |
Description |
Flag for setting element values using a grid defined by nodes of the current mesh. Valid values are: • 1 - Only set element values if all the element nodes exist in the grid data (default) • 2 - Set element values if any the element nodes exist in the grid data
Node_numbers List of nodal numbers of the grid |
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Description |
List of node numbers for grid
Time_variation_assignment List of spatial variation sets defining the time variation |
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Description |
List of spatial variation sets numbers defining the time variation of the property. The list should be defined in ascending order of time
Auto_delete_flag Defines whether the table should be kept after initialising data |
Usage |
Description |
Generally spatial grids can be deleted once they have been used. However, in some cases it may be desirable to keep the table until a further stage. Valid values of the flag are: • 0 - Automatically delete the grid (default) • 1 - Do not automatically delete the grid
Fracture_set Name of the fracture set to be used to assign the fracture state |
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Description |
Name of the fracture set to be used to assign the fracture state
Distribution_type Defines the type of distribution of values for cloud of points |
Usage |
Description |
Defines how the specified value is distributed for cloud points dist = the distance of element center from the cloud point only dist 1] according to Distribution_type: •-1 - No distribution (default) • 0 - Constant distribution • 1 - Linear distribution • 2 - Quadratic distribution • 3 - Exponential distribution
Distribution_range_min Minimum range for distribution |
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Description |
dist = the distance of element center from the cloud point only dist 1] according to Distribution_type
Distribution_range_max Minimum range for distribution |
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Description |
dist = the distance of element center from the cloud point only dist 1] according to Distribution_type
Pathway_radius Pathway radius for joining points |
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Description |
Join points within Pathway_radius with d/(Pathway_divisions) divisions
Pathway_divisions Pathway number of divisions |
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Description |
Join points within Pathway_radius with d/(Pathway_divisions) divisions
Parallel_element_assign_flag Method for storing element assignment data for parallel analysis |
Usage |
Description |
Method for storing element assignment data for parallel analysis. Valid options are: • 0 - Full storage (default) • 1 - Contacted storage: less memory overhead but small increased cost
Null_value Value identifying that the grid value is not set |
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The Null_value Value identifying that the grid value is not set. In this case any element or node where the mapped value includes a contribution from a null value, then the value for the element or node will not be mapped. The null value can therefore be used to assign values to part of a group.
Default_values Default values |
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Description |
Default values for the group, this will be used instead of the original value