Data Structure: Spatial_grid_group |
Description |
data structure |
Usage |
Spatial_grid_group NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Spatial_grid_group data structure defines the topology of a mesh together with associated values of variables that will be assigned to elements and nodes of the current mesh. Each Spatial_grid_group is associated with a parent Spatial_grid via the Grid_name. If a single model group is associated with the Spatial_grid_group this can be defined using Group_assignment. If, however, the Spatial_grid_group data will be applied to multiple groups this can be specified when the grid data is used; e.g. using Spatial_state_set.
Notes •Spatial_grid_mesh is equivalent to Spatial_grid_group and both inputs are valid.
Name Name of the spatial grid group |
Usage |
Description |
Name of the Spatial grid group (Maximum of 32 characters)
Group_assignment_number ParaGeo Group number associated with spatial grid group |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the ParaGeo Group number to which the Spatial_grid_group will be assigned. This is only required in case that the spatial grid is applied to a single group.
Group_assignment ParaGeo Group name associated with spatial grid group |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the ParaGeo Group name to which the Spatial_grid_group will be assigned (Default is the spatial grid group name). This is only required in case that the spatial grid is applied to a single group.
Grid_number Number of the parent grid associated with the grid group |
Usage |
Description |
Number of the parent grid associated with the spatial grid group. This enables association of the correct data with a grid if more than one grid exists.
Grid_name Name of the parent grid associated with the grid group |
Usage |
Description |
Name of the parent grid associated with the spatial grid group. This enables association of the correct data with a grid if more than one grid exists.
Element_type The type of element |
Usage |
Description |
The type of the element defining the group. Valid types are: • MIXED - Mixed element type (output of grid data only) • QUAD4 - 4 noded quadrilateral • TRIA3 - 3 noded triangle • TET4 - 4 noded tetrahedra • HEX8 - 8 noded hexahedra • WEDGE6 - 6 noded 3D Wedge (pentahedra) • PYRAMID5 - 5 noded pyramid
Topology Element topology |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the element topology for the spatial grid group. The element topology should be defined in standard ParaGeo format. For example for a 4-noded quadrilateral grid: E1N1 E1N2 E1N3 E1N4 E2N1 E2N2 E2N3 E2N4 (...) EnN1 EnN2 EnN3 EnN4
Where En indicates the element number and Nn the node number of the En element.
Element_types Type of each element |
Usage |
Description |
Type of each element. Not required for input grids but is automatically created for output groups if the element type is MIXED; i.e. containing elements of different type
Number_element_nodes Number of nodes for each element |
Usage |
Description |
Number of nodes for each element. Not required for input grids but is automatically created for output groups if the element type is MIXED; i.e. containing elements of different type
Node_numbers Node numbering for group |
Usage |
Description |
List of node numbers for group (optional). If node numbers are not defined then ascending order is assumed
Coordinates Nodal coordinates |
Usage |
Description |
List of Node coordinates for the topology defining the group
Configuration_type Configuration corresponding to the coordinates |
Usage |
Description |
Configuration corresponding to the coordinates. Valid values are: • "Current" - Coordinates in current configuration i.e. coordintes = original coordinates + displacements (default) • "Initial" - Coordinates in initial configuration
Element_variables List of element centre variables |
Usage |
Description |
List of element centre variables to be output. Valid element variables are field dependent comprise state variables and and element based variables including:
All fields •Elt_volu - element volume (3-D) or area (2-D) •Porosity - element porosity •Elt_pore - element average pore pressure •Elt_temp - element average temperature •Mat_no - Material assignment number •Group_no - Group assignment number •Depth - Depth below surface (if present)
Geomechanical field General variables: •Elt_mass - Element mass •Crit_tim - Element critical time step •Elt_dens - Element density •Por_geoc - Current pore pressure in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only) •Por_Geot - Current pore pressure in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only) •Cou_stif - Current Coupling Bulk modulus in geomechanical field (Coupled analysis with undrained split only) Stress Components: •Strs_xx - Direct Stress in X direction •Strs_yy - Direct Stress in Y direction •Strs_zz - Direct Stress in Z direction •Strs_xy - Shear Stress in XY direction •Strs_yz - Shear Stress in YZ direction (3-D only) •Strs_zx - Shear Stress in ZX direction (3-D only) Stress Invariants: •Press - Effective mean stress (p') •Efstrs - Deviatoric effective stress (q) •Strs_p1 - Principal stress 11 - (most tensile) •Strs_p2 - Principal stress 22 - (intermediate) •Strs_p3 - Principal stress 33 - (Most compressive) Strain Components: •Strn_xx - Direct Strain in X direction •Strn_yy - Direct Strain in Y direction •Strn_zz - Direct Strain in Z direction •Strn_xy - Shear Strain in XY direction •Strn_yz - Shear Strain in YZ direction (3-D only) •Strn_zx - Shear Strain in ZX direction (3-D only) Strain Invariants: •Vol_stn - Volumetric strain •Efstrn - Deviatoric effective strain •Strn_p1 - Principal strain 11 - (most tensile) •Strn_p2 - Principal strain 22 - (intermediate) •Strn_p3 - Principal strain 33 - (Most compressive)
Porous flow field •None
Thermal field •None
Element_values Element values |
Usage |
Description |
Table of element values
Nodal_variables List of nodal variables |
Usage |
Description |
List of nodal variables for group (not implemented)
Nodal_values Nodal values |
Usage |
Description |
Table of nodal values (not implemented)
Element_numbers List of selected element numbers |
Usage |
Description |
List of selected element numbers for group (optional).
Default_values Default values |
Usage |
Description |
Default values for the group, this will be used instead of the original value
Geometry_entity Geometry entity containing each element |
Usage |
Description |
The geometry entity (2-D: surface , 3-D: volume) for each element in the group
Fracture_set Name of the fracture set to be used to assign the fracture state |
Usage |
Description |
Name of the fracture set to be used to assign the fracture state
Time_variation_assignment List of spatial variation sets defining the time variation |
Usage |
Description |
List of spatial variation sets numbers defining the time variation of the property. The list should be defined in ascending order of time
Null_value Value identifying that the grid value is not set |
Usage |
Description |
The Null_value Value identifying that the grid value is not set. In this case any element or node where the mapped value includes a contribution from a null value, then the value for the element or node will not be mapped. The null value can therefore be used to assign values to part of a group.