Data Structure: Spatial_surface |
Description |
Spatial surface |
Usage |
Spatial_surface NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Spatial_surface data structure allows projection of results on a tessalated surface superposed on the mesh (part surface). The surface could either be defined by a Part_geometry or an imported format ("Gocad" ,"Abaqus","Zmap" etc). Note that results will be output to plot files as: 1 - An individual data block for each group intersected by the spatial surface containing element variable results 2 - A data block for the whole surface containing results for nodal variables (e.g. pore pressure, displacement, temperature, etc)
Active_flag Flag to denote structure defined |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to define whether the spatial surface is active. Generally not required as if the data structure is defined it is set active by default. Valid values are: •-1 - Deactivate and remove if defined • 0 - Not defined • 1 - Defined and active
Output_flag .cfs file output Flag |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to define when the .cfs file is output. Valid values are: • 0 - Output .cfs file at end of stage (Default) • 1 - Output .cfs file at plot intervals
Name Name of the spatial surface |
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Description |
Name of the spatial surface (Maximum of 32 characters)
Output_set_name Name of the output data structure in the set file |
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Description |
Name of output set from the output set file to be used by the spatial surface (maximum 32 characters)
Set_file_name File containing output set data |
Usage |
Description |
File containing output set data without directory path (maximum 64 characters). The default output file name is "output_data.set".
Notes •The default data is stored in set data directory which is specified using the Set_file_directory keyword on the Settings data structure. •If the file exists in the current directory then it will be used in preference to the default data •If "output_data.set" exists in the current directory then it will be used by default if Output_data is not specified in the data file.
Import_file_name File name associated with the imported mesh |
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Description |
File name associated with the imported mesh defining the spatial surface (Maximum of 128 characters). The full path for the file may be defined
Import_type Type of the imported format |
Usage |
Description |
Type of the imported file to be converted into spatial surface. Valid types are: • "Abaqus" - Abaqus data file
Coordinate_update Type of the coordinate update |
Usage |
Description |
Type of the coordinate update. Valid types are: • "None" - Spatial surface remains in the location where it is defined with background elements being assigned at initialisation (Default) • "Tied" - Background elements are only assigned at initialisation and the spatial surface moves with them • "Remap" - Spatial surface remains in the location where it is defined and the background elements are always reassigned at every plot output
Notes: •If the number of the elements in the model mesh changes (e.g. because of sedimentation, erosion or remesh) a Remap operation will always be performed. •For Coordinate_update "Tied" the whole of the spatial surface must be contained within the model mesh, otherwise it will be treated as "None"
Part_geometry_name Part geometry name associated with spatial surface |
Usage |
Description |
Assigns the part geometry set (by name) that defines the spatial surface (Maximum of 32 characters). This is required if the spatial surface is defined with part geometry data in ParaGeo format as opposed to be imported from another file format (e.g. Abaqus)
Coulomb_properties Coulomb stress related properties |
Usage |
Description |
These properties are used to compute the Coulomb stress ratio and Coulomb failure/stress flag, defined as: •Coulomb stress ratio = tau/C •Coulomb failure/stress flag = 1 if (tau > C) else = 0, where C = MAX((-u.s3+c) , 0). (Note: Compressive stress s3 is negative).
Properties defining the coulomb stress related properties are: •Location 1 - Cohesion - Cohesion (c) •Location 2 - Friction coefficient - Friction coefficient (u)
Offset Offset distance between hgw and ftw |
Usage |
Description |
If Offset is defined a hangingwall and footwall spatial surfaces will be output, which will be separated in the normal direction by the defined offset distance. This may be used for example, in cases where a contact surface exist at the same location of the spatial surface and the target is to capture the results at both sides of the contact surface