Data Structure: Spatial_table |
Description |
Spatial table |
Usage |
Spatial_table NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Spatial_table data structure defines the assignment of spatial variations to material_variables. To assign the variation: •a table is defined containing a material property vs. dependent variable(s) •the spatial variation of a dependent variable is either defined internally (e.g. Depth) or via assigning a spatial grid that defines the spatial distribution. This is achieved using Dependent_variables and Dependent_grids •by default the spatial variation is applied at the start of the simulation and is not updated. An update frequency can also be specified if required.
Notes •If a file containing the spatial grid needs to be read, the data structure Include must be used to define the file name. •If the mesh of the current application and the mesh of the spatial grid differ, an interpolation operation will be used to map the spatial variation of the material properties.
Variable_name Variable name ID for the material variable |
Usage |
Description |
Variable name ID for the material variable (Maximum of 32 characters). These are state variables name e.g. "Young", "Poiss"
Variable_names List of variable names |
Usage |
Description |
List of variable names when multiple variables are defined in the table. These are state variables name e.g. "Young", "Poiss"
Material_names List of Material names (optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of Materials by name to be modified by the spatial table (optional)
Groups List of element group names (optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of element groups by name to be modified by the spatial table (optional)
Dependent_variables List of Dependent variables |
Usage |
Description |
List of dependent variable names defined in the spatial table to assigned to the material variable defined with Material_variables.
Notes •Either one or two dependent variables must be defined.
Dependent_grids List of grid names |
Usage |
Description |
List of grids defining the values for each dependent variable defined in Dependent_variables. If Dependent_grids needs to be specified and a dependent variable is not defined by a grid but is an internal variable (e.g. depth) the grid for such variable should be specified as "Internal".
Table_size Table sizes |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the number of data points associated with each dependent variable. For example for a single dependent variable (x) table with two state variables A and B is defined as: A0 B0 x0 A1 B1 x1 A2 B2 x2 A3 B3 x3 A4 B4 x4 A5 B5 x5 the number of data points is 5.
Table_values Tabular value table |
Usage |
Description |
One Dependent Variable Table A single dependent variable (x) table with two state variables A and B is defined as: A0 B0 x0 A1 B1 x1 A2 B2 x2 A3 B3 x3 A4 B4 x4 A5 B5 x5
Two Dependent Variable Table Tables with two dependent variables many only contain a single primary state variable. The table is defined so that each dependent variable has a unique number of table points and the dependency on the first dependent variable is defined first; e.g. if a material parameter A is defined by dependent varaibles x and y defined by Table_size {2,3} the the table would be: A0 x0 y0 A1 x1 y0 A2 x0 y1 A3 x1 y1 A4 x0 y2 A5 x1 y2
Formation of the table •Column 1 - Material property to be assigned •Column 2 - First dependency variable •Column 3 - Second dependency variable (if defined)
Update_frequency Frequency for updating the values |
Usage |
Description |
Number of time steps between updating the values on the mesh (default =0, only initialise at start of definition)
Notes •For explicit solution of the mechanical field in non-coupled analysis the recommended step frequency is Update_frequency > = 100 •For thermal, flow and couple analysis the recommended update frequency is Update_frequency = 1 |
Error_flag Flag defining warning or error if variable not found |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether a warning or an error should be triggered if a variable is not found. Valid values are: • 1 - Severe error message if variable not found (terminates analysis) (Default) • 2 - Warning message if variable not found
Auto_delete_flag Defines whether the table should be kept after initialising data |
Usage |
Description |
Generally spatial tables can be deleted once they have been used. However, in some cases (e.g. deposition) it may be desirable to keep the table until a further stage. Valid values of the flag are: • 0 - Automatically delete the spatial table (default) • 1 - Do not automatically delete the spatial table