Data Structure: Spatial_variation_values |
Description |
Spatial variation property values |
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Spatial_variation_values NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The Spatial_variation_values data structure defines the values defining a spatial variation. The values may be associated with either a spatial variation grid (see Spatial_variation_grid ), or defined as a tabular function of depth.
Time Reference time to apply property values |
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Defines the time associated with the property values.
Description Brief description of the spatial variation |
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Description |
An optional description for the property or the spatial variation enclosed in quotes if spaces exist; e.g. "porosity vs. depth". Maximum 64 characters.
Grid_name Name of the spatial grid associated with the spatial variation values |
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Name of the spatial grid associated with the spatial variation values (Maximum of 32 characters).
Notes •The grid is only required if the property distribution type is "Grid". •The grid data is defined using data structure Spatial_variaition_grid.
Grid_number The grid associated with the spatial variation values |
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Description |
The grid is only required if the property distribution type is "Grid".
Notes •The grid number is only required if the property distribution type is "Grid" and Grid_name is not specified. •The grid data is defined using data structure Spatial_variaition_grid.
Distribution Defines if the spatial variation distribution type |
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Description |
Distribution defines the type of spatial distribution. Valid values are: • "Depth_dependent" - Values in the spatial variation are defined as a function of depth below the current top surface
Notes •If not specified the distribution is automatically set using the distribution defined on the Spatial_variation_values data structure(s) assigned to the Spatial_variation_definition.
Values Values corresponding to the grid |
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Description |
Values corresponding to the grid defined in the definition order for the grid.
Values_vs_depth Values of property vs depth curve |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the variation in property value as a function of depth below the top horizon surface. The data is provided as a 2-D table where: •Row 1 - depth below the top horizon surface (positive depth with zero corresponding to the top horizon surface) •Row 2 - property value corresponding to each depth