Data Structure: Stratigraphy_definition |
Description |
Defines the stratigraphy for a geomechanical analysis |
Usage |
Stratigraphy_definition NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview The stratigraphy must be defined if any geometry update procedure; i.e. deposition, erosion, pinchout, etc. is to be utilised during the simulation. Stratigraphy is defined as layers, which must contain one element group, that constitute a single material. The stratigraphy is specified in order starting from the deepest sediment layer. Each stratigraphy layer must comprise a single group (see Group_data). A stratigraphy horizon, corresponding to the top surface of the stratigraphy unit must be defined for each stratigraphy unit (with ID numbers in order starting from the deepest sediment layer).
Notes •If the horizon names are defined using the same names as the stratigraphy layers then Horizon_numbers are not required as they will be set automatically •If the group data is defined with the same names as the stratigraphy layers Group_numbers and Group_names are not required as they will be set automatically
Examples demonstrating the usage of Stratigraphy_definition include: •dep_*.dat •merge_*.dat
Units List of unit names. |
Usage |
Description |
Units or alternatively Unit_names defines the list of the stratigraphy unit names. It is compulsory for restoration and forward simulations where it is defined in deposition order starting from the base of the model to the top surface.
Group_numbers List of element groups (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of element group numbers corresponding to each stratigraphy unit listed in the order defined in Units.
Notes •If the group data is defined with the same names as the stratigraphy layers Group_numbers are not required as they will be set automatically.
Group_names List of element group names (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of element group names associated with each stratigraphy units listed in the order defined in Units.
Notes •If the group data is defined with the same names as the stratigraphy layers Group_names are not required as they will be set automatically.
Horizon_numbers List of horizon numbers (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of the horizon numbers corresponding to each stratigraphy unit listed in the order defined in Units.
Notes •If the horizon names are defined using the same names as the stratigraphy layers then Horizon_numbers are not required as they will be set automatically.
Horizon_geometry_sets The geometry set defining the top surface horizon for each unit (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
List of the geometry sets defining the top surface horizon for each stratigraphy unit. Not usually required as often the stratigraphy horizon names will be used instead.
Notes •If the horizon names are defined using the same names as the stratigraphy layers then Horizon_geometry_sets are not required as they will be set automatically.
Basal_horizon Basal horizon name |
Usage |
Description |
Basal_horizon is used to identify the name of the Stratigraphy_horizon or Geometry_set which corresponds to the basal horizon of the model. This is required to apply boundary conditions via Stratigraphy_basal_load.
Basal_horizon_number Basal horizon number |
Usage |
Description |
Basal_horizon_number is used to identify the ID number of the Stratigraphy_horizon or Geometry_set which corresponds to the basal horizon of the model. This is required to apply boundary conditions via Stratigraphy_basal_load.
Formation_groups Formation group for each unit |
Usage |
Description |
Formation_groups may be used to group one or more stratigraphy units into a formation for post-processing. By default each unit is assumed to be in a separate formation with name defined by the unit name. In Formation_groups the user may specify the corresponding formation names for each stratigraphy unit in the same order specified in Units. For example if Units are defined as: "Unit0", "Unit1", "Unit2", "Unit3" and "Unit4"; Formation_groups may be defined as: "FormationA", "FormationA", "FormationA", "FormationB" and "FormationB" to specify that FormationA is comprised of Unit0, Unit1 and Unit2 and FormationB is comprised of Unit3 and Unit4.
Notes •Formations groups may only contain stratigraphy units that are consecutive in time (i.e. FormationA cannot be defined as comprising Unit0, Unit3 and Unit4 with the intermediate Unit1 and Unit2 defined as FormationB).
Length_output_flag Flag for output of stratigraphy length data at the end of each stage |
Usage |
Description |
Flag for output of stratigraphy length data at the end of each stage. Valid settings are: • 0 - No length output • 1 - Length output (default)
Top_surface_horizon Top surface horizon name |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the Stratigraphy_horizon name of the top surface horizon for the model. This is only required if the stratigraphy data for each layer is not defined and depth evaluations are required (e.g. for geostatic initialisation).
Top_surface_horizon_number Top surface horizon number |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the Stratigraphy_horizon ID number of the top surface horizon for the model. This is only required if the stratigraphy data for each layer is not defined and depth evaluations are required (e.g. for geostatic initialisation).