Data Structure: Stratigraphy_horizon |
Description |
Defines the geometry for a stratigraphy for a geomechanical horizon |
Usage |
Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Stratigraphy horizons define the top surface of each pre-existing stratigraphy unit (units that form part of the initial model domain at the start of the simulation) and must be defined if the Stratigraphy_definition keyword is specified. Horizons are defined by a set of geometry lines in 2-D or a set of geometry surfaces in 3-D or by Geometry_sets representing these geometry entities.
Notes •A stratigraphy_horizon data structure is required for each stratigraphy unit
Examples demonstrating the usage of Stratigraphy_horizon include: •dep_*.dat •merge_*.dat
Name Stratigraphy horizon name |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the stratigraphy horizon name (maximum 32 characters). Generally this is specified with the same name as the stratigraphy unit name defined on the Stratigraphy_definition data structure.
Lines List of lines defining horizon |
Usage |
Description |
List of geometry lines defining the horizon in 2-D. These lines are the uppermost lines of the surfaces defining the the layer (element group).
Surfaces List of surfaces defining horizon |
Usage |
Description |
List of geometry surfaces defining the horizon in 3-D. These surfaces are the uppermost surfaces of the volumes defining the the layer (element group).
Geometry_set The geometry set defining the horizon |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a geometry set that contains the lines (2-D) or surfaces (3-D) that define the horizon. When the horizon is defined by a geometry set then additional Lines (2-D) or Surfaces (3-D) should not be defined. Therefore care must be taken to ensure that the specified geometry set contains all the Lines (2D) or Surfaces (3D) that are needed to define the stratigraphy horizon.