Data Structure: Util_forward_create |
Description |
Data defining creation of a forward analysis data file from restoration data |
Usage |
Util_forward_create NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_forward_create defines the data to create a data file for a forward simulation using restoration data. All the displacements, formation thicknesses, etc. from the restoration will be used to calculate the prescribed boundary conditions, the sedimentation thicknesses, etc. for the created forward analysis. The restoration data must be converted to geometry files prior to performing Util_forward_create operation. Additional data related to the forward analysis can be defined using the keywords: •Util_set_boundary_data - to define the boundary conditions for the sides of the model •Util_set_material_data - to define the material database and material data to be used in the forward simulation •Util_set_control_data - to define additional control data for the forward simulation
Geometry_file_names List of geometry file names |
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Description |
Specifies the list of geometry files corresponding to restoration steps to be used in generating the forward analysis data file (maximum 64 characters each). The geometry files must be specified from last to first (present day) restoration steps order. Note that the starting configuration for the forward model may be any of the intermediate steps (see the picture bellow). If File_names is not specified a list of Geometry_file_names should be provided.
Notes •Not required if the geometry is generated from part geometry. In this case Geometry_reference_name should be specified. •If an asterisk (*) character is used to define the file name it will be treated as a wild card and all files in the directory with the appropriate extension will be used.
Geometry_reference_name Reference name identifying part geometry files |
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Description |
Specifies the reference name ( RefName) identifying the part geometry files (.part_geom) that contain the part geometry data required for the generation of the boundary conditions for the forward analysis. The part geometry files are named: •RefName _initial.part_geom - part geometry data for generation of the initial geometry. •RefName _unitname.part_geom, where unitname is the name of the stratigraphy unit to be deposited in the current forward analysis step.
Analysis_file_name Name of file for converted data |
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Description |
Defines the name of the created forward analysis data file after data conversion (maximum 64 characters). The file name should be defined without a file extension.
Part_geometry_flag Flag indicating that the geometry files are part geometry rather than geometry files |
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Description |
Flag indicating that the geometry files are part geometry rather than geometry files. Valid values are: • 0 - Standard geometry files (default) • 1 - Part geometry files
Output_level Defines output to the log file for the conversion process |
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Defines the level of data output to the log file for the conversion process. Valid values are: • 0 - No data • 1 - Summary data (Default) • 2 - Detailed information
Basal_unit Name of the unit containing the base of the model |
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Description |
The base surface of the forward simulation corresponds to the base surface of the Basal_unit. The part geometry for this surface will be extracted and a prescribed boundary surface will be created using this part geometry data. By default the number of stages in the simulation will be automatically evaluated assuming the deposition of the Basal_unit is the first stage of the simulation. Alternatively the start stage may be specified using Start_unit . Note that the basal_unit for the forward model may be a unit younger than the basal unit in the restoration (see the picture below).
Basal_horizon Basal horizon name |
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Description |
Specifies the name of the horizon in the restoration that will be the basal horizon for the forward model. Note that the basal horizon for the forward model may not coincide with the basal horizon for the restoration. The displacements in this horizon will be applied via a part geometry.
Start_unit Name of the unit to be deposited at the start of the forward simulation |
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Description |
Start_unit defines the first surface to be deposited in the forward simulation. By default this is the unit defined as the Basal_unit. Any younger unit may, however, be used as the first depositional unit, in which case units between the start unit and the basal unit are treated as pre-existing (see the picture below).
Pre_existing_top_unit Name of the top unit in the pre-existing sediment |
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Specifies the name of the top unit in the pre-existing sediment (maximum 32 characters). Only required if pre-existing units are required and deposition of additional sediment is not required (i.e. Start_unit is not specified). If the Start_unit is not equal to the Basal_unit then pre-existing sediment will be assumed and the Pre_existing_top_unit will be defined as the unit below the Start_unit.
Minimum_line_length Minimum admissible line length |
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Minimum admissible line length. If the line length is smaller than the specified value, previous and next lines are merged, and the line is dismissed. |
Pre_existing_geometry_flag Defines whether pre-existing geometry should be considered |
Usage |
Description |
Defines whether pre-existing geometry should be considered. Valid values are: • 0 - No pre-existing geometry (default, if Pre_existing_top_unit is not specified) • 1 - Use pre-existing geometry (including the starting unit, default if Pre_existing_top_unit is specified)
Pre_existing_sedimentation_flag Defines whether geostatic initialisation of pre-existing geometry should be performed before or |
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Description |
Defines whether sedimentation of the first layer onto pre-existing geometry should be performed before or after geostatic initialisation. • 0 - Perform 2 stages of geostatic initialisation (elastic + non-linear) for preexisting formation and then sediment (default). • 1 - Perform 2 single step stages to create geometry for preexisting and deposited layer respectively, then perform 2 stages of geostatic initialisation (elastic + non-linear).