Data Structure: Util_forward_part_create |
Description |
Data defining creation of a forward analysis data file from restoration data |
Usage |
Util_forward_part_create NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_forward_part_create is an utility operation that allows to define the data to automatically create part geometry data files for application of boundary conditions in a forward simulation using restoration results. All the boundary displacements from the restoration will be used to calculate the prescribed boundary conditions for the forward analysis. The restoration data must be converted to geometry files prior to performing Util_forward_part_create operation. Additional data related to the forward analysis can be defined using the keywords: •Util_set_boundary_data - to define the boundary conditions for the sides of the model •Util_set_material_data - to define the material database and material data to be used in the forward simulation •Util_set_control_data - to define additional control data for the forward simulation
Geometry_file_names List of geometry file names |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the list of geometry files corresponding to restoration steps to be used in generating the forward analysis part geometry data file (maximum 64 characters each). The geometry files must be specified from last to first (present day) restoration steps order. If File_names is not specified a list of Geometry_file_names should be provided.
Notes •If an asterisk (*) character is used to define the file name it will be treated as a wild card and all files in the directory with the appropriate extension will be used.
Part_file_name Name of file for part geometry data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the name of the file that will contain part geometry data (maximum 64 characters). One file will be created for each restoration step with extension .part_No, where No is the number of restoration step.
Basal_unit Name of the unit containing the base of the model |
Usage |
Description |
The base surface of the forward simulation corresponds to the base surface of the Basal_unit. The part geometry for this surface will be extracted and a prescribed boundary surface will be created using this part geometry data. By default the number of stages in the simulation will be automatically evaluated assuming the deposition of the Basal_unit is the first stage of the simulation. Alternatively the start stage may be specified using Start_unit
Start_unit Name of the unit to be deposited at the start of the forward simulation |
Usage |
Description |
Start_unit defines the first surface to be deposited in the forward simulation. By default this is the unit defined as the Basal_unit. Any younger unit may, however, be used as the first depositional unit, in which case units between the start unit and the basal unit are treated as pre-existing.
Part_smoothing_flag Flag indicating that part geometry for boundary displacement should be smoothed |
Usage |
Description |
Smoothing of the part geometry used to define boundary displacement is generally required in 3-D to provide a smooth boundary description. This gives more accurate boundary displacement representation in the forward analysis when the nodes of the mesh are only prescribed by normal displacement and may move between adjacent facets. The valid values of the flag are: •0 - perform boundary smoothing (default) •1 - do not perform boundary smoothing
Minimum_width Width of merge zone below which a merge operation is performed |
Usage |
Description |
It is possible to merge thin element groups when the forward analysis is created. Minimum_width defines the width of merge zone below which a merge operation is performed (Default 0.25 * average facet length)
Minimum_merge_length Length tolerance for merge evaluation |
Usage |
Description |
It is possible to merge thin element groups when the forward analysis is created. Minimum_merge_length defines the minimum length for a merged region and any non-merged region for merge operation evaluation (default 4 * average facet length)