Data Structure: Util_import_mesh_data |
Description |
Control data defining mesh import/geometry generation data |
Usage |
Util_import_mesh_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_import_mesh_data can be used to specify a finite element mesh that should be imported and converted to a geometry/mesh model suitable for ParaGeo.
File_format Format of file containing FE mesh data |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the format of the file containing the FE mesh data. Valid types are: • "Abaqus" - Abaqus data file • "Aster" - Code Aster mesh file • "Gocad" - Gocad file containing tsurf or tsolid data • "Ensight" - Ensight format file
Conversion_format Format of output data |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the format of the converted file. Valid types are: • "Geometry" - Convert mesh data to geometry (default) • "Part_geometry" - Convert mesh data to part geometry • "Group_data" - Convert mesh data to meshed group data (Default if mixed element types exist in data)
File_name Name of file containing FE mesh data |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the name of the file containing the mesh data (maximum 64 characters). The file name can be defined with or without a file extension.
File_names List of files containing FE mesh data |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the name of the files containing the mesh data (maximum 64 characters). The file names can be defined with or without a file extension.
Ensight_stratigraphy Name of file containing FE mesh data |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the name of the file containing the stratigraphy definition for Ensight geometry.
Output_file_name Name of file for converted data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the name of the output file which contains the converted data in ParaGeo suitable format (maximum 64 characters). The file name should be defined without a file extension.
Output_file_names List of files for converted data |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the names of the output files which contains the converted data in ParaGeo suitable format (maximum 64 characters). The file names should be defined without a file extension.
Sub_directory Name of sub-directory to output generated data |
Usage |
Description |
Name of sub-directory to output generated data (Default: project directory)
Compact_numbering Remove unused node and element numbers |
Usage |
Description |
Compact_numbering can be used to remove any unused nodes from the model and modify the nodal and element numbers to be contiguous. This provides a higher efficiency analysis. Valid values are: • 0 - Retain original numbering • 1 - Compact node and element numbers (Default)
Output_level Defines output to the log file for the conversion process |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the level of output to the log file for the conversion process. Valid values are: • 0 - No output • 1 - Output summary data (Default) • 2 - Output detailed information
Geometry_plot_file Defines whether a geometry plot file is output |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether a geometry plot file suitable for visualization in ParaView (.gmr) should be output. Valid values are: • 0 - No output of geometry plot file • 1 - Output a geometry plot file after model conversion (Default)
Mesh_plot_file Defines whether a mesh plot file is output |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether a mesh plot file suitable for visualization in ParaView (.msh) should be output. Valid values are: • 0 - No output of mesh plot file • 1 - Output a mesh plot file after model conversion (Default)
Abaqus_export_init_mesh Defines whether the unprocessed mesh should be output in Abaqus format |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether the unprocessed mesh should be output in Abaqus format. Valid values are: • 0 - No output • 1 - Output the initial (unprocessed) mesh in abaqus format
Elfen_file_name Name of exported Elfen file |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the name of the Elfen file to be exported (maximum 64 characters). The file name should be provided without file extension.
Include_file_name File containing additional data to be added to data file |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies the name of the file (which should be in ParaGeo format) that contains additional data structures to be included in the exported ParaGeo and Elfen data files (maximum 128 characters).
Geometry_line_facet_angle defines the maximum angle between facets during line creation |
Usage |
Description |
Geometry_line_facet_angle defines the maximum allowable angle (in degrees) between two facets on a geometry line. If the angle between two adjacent facets exceeds this value the line being generated will be split into two lines at this point. The default value is 45 deg. A low value may result in additional lines if the geometry is curved but represented by a coarse line facets.
Geometry_surface_facet_angle defines the maximum angle between facets during surface creation |
Usage |
Description |
Geometry_surface_facet_angle defines the maximum allowable angle (in degrees) between two facets on a geometry surface. If the angle between two adjacent facets exceeds this value the surface being generated will be split into two surfaces along this edge. The default value is 25 deg. If the geometry is complex with multiple partially intersecting faults a high value can lead to complex surfaces that may not be meshable.
Node_merge_tolerance Defines the tolerance for checking for coincident nodes |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the node merge tolerance which is defined as:
fmerge = tolmerge·flen where:
•tolmerge is the node merge tolerance defined by Node_merge_tolerance, and •flen is the length of the line facet attached to the node assessed for merge operation
The default value for Node_merge_tolerance is 0.01
Create_geometry_sets Defines whether geometry sets should be processed to create surfaces |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether geometry sets should be created using either Gocad CONSTRAINTS or Abaqus NSET/ELSET. When active the Gocad/Abaqus node and element assignment data is used to create geometry entities. Valid values are: • 0 - Do not create geometry sets from assignment data • 1 - Create geometry sets from element/node assignment data (Default)
Bedding_plane_merge Merge identical lines on bedding planes |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate whether bedding planes should be merged or whether they should remain separate to allow frictional slip. Note that Gocad TSurf's that represent individual layers will be unconnected and a bedding plane merge operation will be required if bedding plane slip is not being considered. Valid options are: • 0 - No bedding plane merge operation. (Default if not a Gocad file) • 1 - Bedding plane merge operation. (Default if Gocad file)
Surface_split_flag Flag indicating that surfaces should be split using geometry considerations |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating that 3D surfaces should be split using geometry considerations. Valid options are: • 1 - Split surfaces using geometry considerations (default) • 2 - Assemble complete surfaces irrespective of geometry considerations
Line_split_flag Flag indicating that lines should be split using geometry considerations |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating that 3D lines should be split using geometry considerations. Initially lines are created based on the surface topology with single lines representing the junction between two or more surfaces. Further line splitting based on the angle between adjacent line facets can be performed so that geometry points are inserted on lines with sharp changes in angle between two adjacent facets. Valid options are: • 0 - Do not split lines using geometry considerations • 1 - Split lines using geometry considerations using the angle specified using Geometry_line_facet_angle (default)
Quality_check_flag Flag indicating that quality checks should be performed |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating that quality check on the mesh should be performed and to what level of detail. In large 3D models a high level of quality check can be relatively expensive computationally. Valid options are: • 0 - Do not perform quality checks on lines and surfaces • 1 - Perform quality checks on lines and surfaces (default) • 2 - Perform quality checks on lines only • 3 - Perform quality checks on surfaces only
Add_lines_to_geometry_sets Flag indicating that lines should be added to geometry sets in 3D |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating whether lines will be added to geometry sets in 3D. Generally 3D geometry sets will correspond to boundary surfaces or faults where geometry_lines are not required. Occasionally, a specific boundary condition may be required on a line and in this case the geometry lines may be requested. Valid options are: • 0 - Do not add lines to geometry sets (default) • 1 - Add lines to geometry sets
Max_facet_quality_warnings Flag indicating the number of facet line or surface facet warnings to be output |
Usage |
Description |
Flag indicating the number of facet line or surface facet warnings to be output (default all). This can be used to limit output volume on very large 3D models. Valid values are: •- 1 - Output all warnings •nval - where nval is the maximum number of warnings
Format_type_flag Flag defining output format for data file |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining output format for data file Valid values are: • 1 - Standard (default) • 2 - Use include files to reduce the data in the main data file