Data Structure: Util_part_geometry_create |
Description |
edited. |
Usage |
Util_part_geometry_create NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_part_geometry_create can be used to extract part geometry suitable for defining prescribed boundary displacement from some or all of the horizons in the model. If the stratigraphy horizon is discontinuous additional lines or surfaces are inserted to provide a contiguous part geometry. This is a common operation in restoration - - > forward model workflows where the basement of the forward model may be defined by a part geometry with prescribed displacements extracted from the restoration.
Part_create_type Part geometry creation type |
Usage |
Description |
Valid types are: • 0 - Create part geometry using stratigraphy horizon data (Default) • 1 - Create vertical part geometry (multiple surfaces) using series point cooridnates
Unit_names List of unit names |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of the unit names which are defined by horizons that will be converted to part geometry.
Nodal_update_flag Flag indicating that nodal update data should be created for a part geometry |
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Description |
Flag to indicate whether part nodal update data should be created for a part geometry. Part coordinate update data can be created for a part if the restoration data includes restoration displacements and optionally decompaction displacement. To use this option the restoration displacement data must be available in the restoration data to be converted or in the geometry file. Valid options are: • 0 - Do not create nodal update data • 1 - Create part geometry nodal update data (default if restoration data defined)
Nodes List of node numbers for part geometry creation |
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Description |
List of node numbers for the part geometry definition. The node numbering is "local" to the part geometry creation process and can therefore begin from 1 in all Part_geometry_sets.
Coordinates List of nodal coordinates for part geometry creation |
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List of nodal coordinates corresponding to the Nodes list (in the same order).
Part_definitions List of node order defining the part geometry |
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List of node order for individual part geometry definition.
Facet_size Facet size for surfaces of part geometry |
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Facet size for surfaces of part geometry If not input then use the one tenth of the domain height