Data Structure: Util_read_geometry |
Description |
Read a geometry (.geo) file |
Usage |
Util_read_geometry NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_read_geometry reads a geometry, stratigraphy, part geometry and nodal data from a valid specified file type (see file_type). Then further Utilities operations may be performed on the read geometry data.
File_name Name of geometry file |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies th name of the geometry file (maximum 64 characters). The file name should be defined without a file extension. If the geometry file name is not defined a default name will be created using the data file name or an "output file name" if set on another data structure.
File_type Type of geometry file |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the type of geometry file being read. Supported file types are: • "geo" - standard ParaGeo geometry file (.geo) (default) • "geo_ascii" - standard ParaGeo geometry file in ASCII format (.geo_ascii) • "svg" - Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics (.svg) - line geometry only • "dxf" - AutoCAD DXF (Drawing Exchange Format) - line geometry only
Output_level Defines output to the log file for the conversion process |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the level of output data to the log file for the conversion process. Valid values are: • 0 - No data • 1 - Summary data (Default) • 2 - Detailed information
Number_dimensions Defines the number of dimensions expected |
Usage |
Description |
The number of dimensions must be defined for .dxf file type import. The default value is 2.
Merge_points Flag defining whether line end points should be merged |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether line end points should be merged (connected). Valid values are: • 0 - No point merge • 1 - Merge points (default)
Generate_surfaces Flag for surface generation |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to define whether surfaces are generated. Valid values are: • 0 - No surface generation • 1 - Surface generation (default)
Notes •If the lines that should define a closed surface are not properly connected to nodes, the generation of surfaces may lead to errors and surface generation may be abandoned.
Merge_tolerance Tolerance for merge operation |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the tolerance for merge operation in length units. If not specified a default value will be evaluated as: Tol = Average line length/1000
Facet_removal_tolerance Tolerance for removal of short line facets |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the tolerance for removing short facets defining lines in length units. If not specified a default value will be evaluated as: Tol = Average line length/50
Line_consolidation_flag Flag for line consolidation |
Usage |
Description |
Flag defining whether line consolidation should be performed. This operation will joint several connected lines into a single one if they are not intersected by any other lines. Valid values are: • 0 - No line consolidation • 1 - Line consolidation (default)
Line_angle_tolerance Tolerance for line consolidation operation |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the angle tolerance in degrees for line consolidation. Lines will be consolidated if the angle between their end facets is less than Line_angle_tolerance (default 15 degrees)