Data Structure: Util_set_boundary_data |
Description |
Settings for generation of boundary data for restoration to forward analysis model creation. |
Usage |
Util_set_boundary_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_set_boundary_data structure may be used to specify the settings for generation of boundary data for restoration to forward analysis model creation. The data settings comprise: •Definition of the type of side boundaries •Definition of the type of basal boundary conditions •Top surface load
Side_boundary_flag Type of side boundary condition |
Usage |
Description |
Flag to indicate the type of side boundary. Valid types of side boundary are: • 1 - Vertical side boundaries defined by the motion of the basal boundary surface (Default) • 3 - Non-vertical side boundaries fully defined by the restored geometry
Basal_boundary_flag Type of basal boundary condition |
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Description |
Flag to define the type of basal boundary condition. The basal boundary is defined by part geometry which is updated over the step to represent the prescribed movement of the basal surface. The boundary condition is applied to the basal horizon (which is represented by geometry and is therefore meshed) by either a prescribed boundary condition ( Prescribed_boundary) or via contact (2-D only). The advantage of the contact method is that different friction coefficients can be assigned to the segments of the basal horizon representing the sediment horizon and the fault surfaces. The valid types of basal boundary are: • 1 - Prescribed boundary (Default in 3-D) • 2 - Contact boundary condition (Default in 2-D) • 3 - Prescribed boundary for horizon and Contact boundary condition for faults
Notes •If fault offset inversion occurs, or the fault offset becomes zero, boundary type 3 is only suitable for the case where faults intersecting the basal surface are discretised with discrete contact. If a continuum representation were to be used for the faults, then the prescribed boundary displacement would try to enforce a zero volume element when zero offset is achieved
Side_boundary_geometry_sets List of geometry sets defining side boundaries |
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Description |
Specifies the list of geometry sets defining side boundaries (maximum 32 characters each).
Notes •If a list of boundary geometry sets is not defined all sets with 'Edge' will be assumed to be side boundaries
Basal_boundary_geometry_sets List of geometry sets associated with the prescribed basal boundary |
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List of geometry sets associated with basal prescribed boundary
Applied_stress Mechanical surface pressure |
Usage |
Description |
Defines the value of the mechanical surface pressure. This may be defined either as an instantaneous load or with a load curve assigned using a time curve via Time_curve_stress
Notes •In most of the problems a prescribed small surface stress is recommended in order to prevent near surface material flow problems (e.g. when the stresses become positive). The stress is usually set to be equivalent to the load that exerts the top 50 m - 100 m of sediment.
Side_boundary_extension Vertical side boundary extension distance |
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Description |
The vertical side boundary extension distance increases the height of the side boundary to prevent loss of contact due to under-considation i.e. increased elevation of the sediment in the forward model relative to the restoration. Side_boundary_extension is specified as an absolute value with the default being 0.5 * side boundary height
Side_boundary_name_flag Flag indicating the naming convention for side boundaries |
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Description |
Flag indicating the name convention for side boundaries in 2D problems. Valid values are: • 1 - "East", "West" • 2 - "lhs_boundary", "rhs_boundary"
Spatial_groups List of groups to be used for spatial boundary constraints |
Usage |
Description |
List of groups to be used for spatial boundary constraints (maximum 32 characters each).
Spatial_entity_type Entity type to be used for spatial boundary conditions ("Line" or "Surface") |
Usage |
Description |
Entity type to be used for spatial boundary conditions in the forward model. Valid values are: • "Line" - Spatial boundaries will be defined by lines • "Surface" - Spatial boundaries will be defined by surfaces (Default in 2-D)
Notes •If type "Line" is specified without a list of Spatial_lines then all external lines corresponding to the surfaces used in the group list will be prescribed. •If type "Surface" is specified then all external surfaces used in the group list will be prescribed.
Spatial_lines List of lines with spatial boundary conditions |
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List of lines with spatial boundary conditions
Side_boundary_reorder_flag Flag indicating the order of the lines defining side boundaries should be ordered automatically |
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Flag indicating the order of the lines defining side boundaries should be ordered automatically. Valid values are: • 0 - No reordering of side boundary lines • 1 - Reorder side boundary lines if required
Time_curve_side_bound Time curve for side boundary constraints |
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Time curve number for side boundary constraints |
Time_curve_basal_bound Time curve for basal boundary constraints |
Usage |
Description |
Time curve number for basal boundary constraints |