Data Structure: Util_set_control_data |
Description |
Control data for forward simulation |
Usage |
Util_set_control_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_set_control_data defines additional control data required for a forward simulation created from output from a geological restoration. This data includes: •Sedimentation duration (via Sedimentation_duration or Unit_sedimentation_duration ) •Damping (via damping ) •Time stepping data (via Target_time_step ) •Mesh discretisation for initial mesh generation and adaptivity (via Element_size_bounds )
Sedimentation_duration Duration for each sedimentation stage |
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Description |
Defines the duration for each sedimentation stage. Note that each sedimentation stage corresponds to one restoration step. If the time associated with all restoration steps is constant then it may be specified using Sedimentation_duration. Alternatively Unit_sedimentation_duration can be used to specify the duration of each sedimentation step.
Unit_names Unit names corresponding to sedimentation duration list |
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Description |
Defines the unit names corresponding to the unit_sedimentation_duration list. The unit names should be ordered in depositional order (from oldest to youngest). (Maximum 32 characters each).
Unit_sedimentation_duration Duration of each sedimentation step |
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Description |
Defines a list of the duration for each sedimentation step in the deposition order. If the sedimentation duration is identical for all steps it may be specified using Sedimentation_duration.
Sedimentation_substeps Number of sub-steps for each sedimentation step (Default 1) |
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Description |
By default each stratigraphy unit in a restoration is sedimented as a single unit in the corresponding forward (i.e. a single element group in one control step). Thick units may optionally be split into several thinner units by sedimenting the layer in a specified number of sub-steps. Sedimentation_substeps defines a list of the number of units into which each sedimentation unit is split.
Notes •If Sedimentation_substeps is defined, it must be specified for all stratigraphy units defined in Unit_names. If a units should be deposited in a single step the number of sub-steps should be set to 1.
Damping Global damping factor |
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Description |
Defines the global damping factor to be applied in the forward simulation. The default value is 0.02 which corresponds to 2% of critical damping for the lowest natural frequency of the problem. It is recommended that this value is not exceeded as the solution may become over-damped.
Bulk_damping Bulk damping constant |
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Description |
Defines the value for the bulk damping constant. Bulk damping is generally used in forward simulations with a recommended value of 0.5
Target_time_step Target number of time steps for first sedimentation stage |
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Description |
The time step/mass scaling for the forward analysis is defined using Target_time_step. It defines the target time increment for each mechanical time step (or iteration if an incremental solution is performed). By default the target time step is set to the duration of the first sedimentation step divided by 20000, giving approximately 20000 time steps.
Element_size_bounds Maximum and Minimum target element size |
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The Element_size_bounds specifies the maximum and minimum element sizes for the complete domain. The values are used for both initial mesh generation and adaptivity. The data comprises: •Location 1 - Maximum element size (values associated with the initial mesh) •Location 2 - Minimum element size (minimum value allowable during adaptive remeshing)
Notes •If Element_size_bounds is not specified then the default values are: •Maximum element size - approximately 1/10 of the thickness of the first stratigraphy unit •Minimum element size - 1/4 of the maximum element size
Porous_flow_type Porous flow type |
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Description |
The porous_flow_type defines how the pore space and pore fluid should be treated for the group in the geomechanical field. Valid types are: • 0 - bulk density defined by the value specified in the grain density • 1 - bulk density defined using grain density and porosity • 2 - with non-zero pore pressures (both grain density and fluid density must be specified) • 3 - (both grain density and fluid density must be specified) • 4 - (both grain density and fluid density must be specified) • 5 - (pore pressure not defined) - buoyant bulk density