Data Structure: Util_set_material_data |
Description |
Material data for forward simulation |
Usage |
Util_set_material_data NUM=ival where ival is the data structure number |
Description |
Overview Util_set_material_data defines the material database and material data structures containing the material data for each stratigraphy unit. If not defined then default data will be written to the forward simulation data file which must be replaced prior to performing the simulation.
Unit_names Unit names corresponding to material name list |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of the unit names which will be assigned a material via the keyword Mdb_material_names (maximum 32 characters each). The unit names should be ordered in depositional order (from oldest to youngest).
Mdb_material_names Material name in database (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of material names which will be assigned to each unit listed in Unit_names (maximum 64 characters).
Material_file Local .mat file name for import (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Material_file allows the import of material data from a local .mat file. The material name will be the name specified by Material_name keyword in the data file (if specified).
Notes •The material file name must have extension .mat but may be defined in the data file with or without the extension •The material file must be placed in the same folder as the data file.
Include_geostatic_files geostatic_files in database (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of geostatic files which will be assigned to each unit listed in Unit_names (maximum 64 characters).
Geostatic_set_names list of geostatic set names in database (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of geostatic set names which will be assigned to each unit listed in Unit_names (maximum 64 characters).
Include_facies_files Include_facies_files in database (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of facies files which will be assigned to each unit listed in Unit_names (maximum 64 characters).
Facies_grid_names list of Facies grid names in database (Optional) |
Usage |
Description |
Specifies a list of Facies grid names which will be assigned to each unit listed in Unit_names (maximum 64 characters).