Val_001b Implicit Geomechanical Solver

Problem Description


In this test, the column consolidation problem is solved using implicit geomechanical solver, i.e. Solution_algorithm = 7.


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The result files for the project are in directory: ParaGeo Examples\Validation\Val_001\Results. The Plots Over Line exported from ParaView are provided in CSV format and pasted into Val_001_Terzaghi.xlsx sheet.  


The results show that ParaGeo calculations match the analytical solution very well:



Normalized pore pressure vs normalized depth. Comparison of ParaGeo implicit results (dots) with the analytical solution (lines) at different times.




Normalized pore pressure at the base of the model as a function of normalized time. Comparison of ParaGeo implicit results (dots) with the analytical solution (lines).




Normalized displacement at the top of the model as a function of normalized time. Comparison of ParaGeo implicit results (dots) with the analytical solution (lines).