Problem Description
Mandel-Cryer effect is a phenomenon observed in a sample of saturated soil, which is characterised by the increase of pore pressure followed by reduction towards zero value under external load. This load is prescribed instantaneously on the sample and kept constant while drainage takes place. Such behaviour is a manifestation of overpressure generation due to impact load because the interstitial fluid cannot escape in time due to permeability and distance to the drainage boundary, and so the momentary undrained condition will resist deformation. This phenomenon has been verified experimentally by (Gibson, Knight, & Taylor, 1963) and (Verruijt, Discussion on consolidation of a massive sphere, 1965). Using the Biot’s theory of consolidation, the analytical solution of relevant problems have been derived (Mandel, 1953), (Cryer, 1963) and (Leeuw, 1965). In this section, we consider Cryer’s model, in which a spherical saturated soil sample is loaded instantaneously while the evolution of inner soil pore pressure is monitored. The only difference with the Cryer’s model is that we consider variable Biot’s coefficient (α), while the original version uses α = 1.0.
The analytical solution which admits variable Biot's coefficient has been derived by (Verruijt, 2008):
where pc is the pore pressure at the core, p0 is the initial pore pressure, t is time, r is the sphere radius, and the coefficient ξj are the positive roots of the equation
The parameters cv, m, and β are defined by
In the current simulation model, only a quarter of the spherical soil sample is modelled due to symmetry. The domain is discretised into 4000 hexahedral elements (with Bbar formulation), which consists of 4641 nodes. The instantaneous load is 1 MPa, which is kept constant throughout the simulation time.
The material properties and geometry information are listed as follows.
The data file for the model is found in: ParaGeo Examples\Validation\Val_002\Data\Val_002b.dat.
Results |
The result files for the project are in directory: ParaGeo Examples\Validation\Val_002\Results. History results are plotted into Val_002b.xlsm sheet. Users can also generate analytical solution from the sheet as well.
The gray part in the center represents the overpressure region (i.e., pc/p0 > 1.0), which is generated because the interstitial fluid cannot escape in time due to permeability and distance to the drainage boundary. Over time, the overpressure region will reduce in size, but the overpressure level will experience momentary peak at the center before dropping to zero. Overall, the numerical solution compares well with the analytical prediction of Mandel-Cryer effect.
Mandel-Cryer effect. Evolution of pore pressure within soil sample as a result of constant load applied instantaneously. Numerical solution agrees well with the analytical solution.
Evolution of pore pressure (Gray part representing overpressure region)
Evolution of overpressure. While the overpressure region subsides in size, the overpressure value at the center increases momentarily before decreasing.
[1] Cryer, C. (1963). A comparison of the three-dimensional consolidation theories of Biot and Terzaghi. Quart. J. Mech. and Appl. Math, 16, 401-412. [2] Gibson, R., Knight, K., & Taylor, P. (1963). A critical experiment to examine theories of three-dimensional consolidation. Proc. Eur. Conf. Soil Mech. Wiesbaden, 1, 69-76. [3] Leeuw, E. D. (1965). The theory of three-dimensional consolidation applied to cylindrical bodies. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. and Found. Engng, 1, 287-290. [4] Mandel, J. (1953). Consolidation des Sols. Geotechnique, 7, 287-299. [5] Verruijt, A. (1965). Discussion on consolidation of a massive sphere. Proc. 6th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Montreal, 3, 401-402. [6] Verruijt, A. (2008). Consolidation of soils. In Encyclopedia of Hydrological Sciences. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.