Group data (Solid Section)

Group data




Here are described the supported keywords to create ParaGeo Group_data.

*SOLID SECTION is the main keyword to create a ParaGeo group from an Abaqus ELSET (defined through *ELEMENT keyword).

*GROUP MERGE is the keyword that allows to define a list of Abaqus ELSETs (defined through *ELEMENT keyword) that will be used to create a single ParaGeo group.

*GROUP DELETE is the keyword that allows to define a list of Abaqus ELSETs (defined through *ELEMENT keyword) that will be deleted during conversion.



Click to expand/collapseGROUP DELETE    Delete ELSETs during conversion


Click to expand/collapseGROUP MERGE    Merge ELSETs into individual groups


Click to expand/collapseSOLID SECTION    Solid Section data (group data)