Ex_009 HEX to TET conversion


The present example demonstrates how to convert a ParaGeo geometry meshed with HEX elements to a TET meshed geometry. Such functionality involves creation of the full geometry in the HEX model (e.g. all lines, surfaces and volumes in the domain) that later will be meshed with TET elements. During conversion all the geometry sets defined in the HEX model will be properly converted to the corresponding geometry set in the TET model.


To demonstrate HEX to TET conversion the initial HEX model will be obtained from Zmap import data. To that end a submodel from Geol_002b tutorial example will be considered. Note that boundary conditions in TET models require non-ragged regular boundaries. Note that although all the files from the complete workflow are provided, only data relevant to HEX to TET conversion will be discussed in the present example. The example considers the following workflow steps:


1.Zmap import

2.Hex geometry creation

3.HEX to TET conversion

4.Simulation examples using the TET model