The present tutorial example builds on the previous Geol_002 example to demonstrate additional available functionality for both, restoration and forward modelling over geological time scales. Hence it is assumed that the user is familiar with the workflow and data structures demonstrated in Geol_002 example. The cases in this tutorial will focus on:
•Case01: Usage of membrane elements for bed length preservation and usage of coupled freedom constraints on a column of boundary nodes.
•Case02: Usage of spatial variation of facies in both restoration and forward modelling
•Case03: An approach to incorporate erosion in both restoration and forward modelling (not available at present)
•Case04: Incorporation of spatially varying heat flow
•Case05: Defining spatially varying kerogen properties
To that end a sub-model with a ragged boundary similar to Geol_002 Case03a will be used, although with a coarser mesh (no subdivisions in i, j; less subdivisions in k) in order to decrease the computational time required to run the simulations. Also note that the geometry for the present case is "mirrored" along the X axis relative to the Geol_002 tutorial due to different Zmap data sorting in both cases. Therefore it is not advisable to use the Zmap data from Geol_002 for this example.
View of the considered model geometry and mesh (V.E.=3). Note that after originally the group numbers were sorted from top to bottom but were manually edited for convenience.
Note that the application of directional decompaction during the first restoration stage is not considered in the present example.
Simulation Cases
Case 01 Membrane Elements and Boundary Coupled Freedoms
Case 02 Spatial variation of facies
Case 04 Spatially varying heat flow
Case 05 Spatially varying kerogen properties (Not available at present)