The 3D small irregular grid model with 'ragged' boundaries presented here is extracted from the basin model at the highlighted location in pink outline. A full description of the geomechanical restoration and forward simulation for this 3D small irregular grid model will not be described. This model is similar to the Case02 slice model with directional strain decompaction, therefore only description of additional data or data different to the slice model is presented here. To this end, it is recommended to familiarise with the Case02 - Slice Model before undertaking this example.
Simulation runs on a single 3.6GHz AMD Processor PC for Case03a small 3D irregular grid model comprising 47,207 nodes, 43,279 elements took:
•Restoration - 39 minutes.
•Forward Simulation - 1 hours 31 minutes.
3D Small Irregular Grid Model located at Grid cells i=34-80, j=1-15 in Geol_002 Basin Model with 80 x 80 grid cells (1 cell = 1km)
The workflow compared to the slice model comprise an additional Step 04a as:
1Step 01 - Zmap file import and output to ParaView plot file and Abaqus input .inp file.
2Step 02 - Conversion of .inp file to suitable ParaGeo geometry (.geo and .geometry) files and data .dat file.
3Step 03 - Geomechanical restoration of the defined 3D geological structure with directional strain decompaction.
4Step 04a - Extraction of side boundary nodes for 'ragged' boundary models. Note that this is valid for hex mesh only and performed for models with 'ragged' boundaries. It is to be carried out prior to performing Step 04.
5Step 04 - Forward simulation of the sedimentation process (THM modelling).
Each of these steps contains only a description of additional data or data different to the slice example in their respective sections following.
The Zmap import data files for the slice model are in : Geol_002\Case03a\01 - Zmap import\Data. The key differences in the Step 01 workflow is in the main Zmap import data file Geol_002_Case03a_geom.dat.
Workflow Flowchart for Step 01 - Zmap Import
Data File Description
The data files for the ParaGeo geometry creation for the irregular grid model are in : Geol_002\Case03a\02 - Geometry creation\Data. The only difference compared with the slice model in the Step 02 workflow is the Case## ID name in the main ParaGeo geometry creation file Geol_002_Case03a_rest.inp.
Workflow Flowchart for Step 02 - ParaGeo Geometry Creation Results
Step 03 involves performing the geomechanical restoration for the irregular grid model with directional strain decompaction (similar to the slice model) as shown in the flowchart below. The restoration data files for the irregular grid model are in: Geol_002\Case03a\03 - Restoration\Data.
Workflow Flowchart for Step 03 - Restoration
Initial Irregular Grid Model showing prescribed boundary conditions
Initial Irregular Grid Model showing locations of notional 'Well_01' and 'Well_03'
Basic Set Up: Data File Description
Step 04a involves the extraction of side boundary nodes to be carried out prior to performing forward simulation in Step 04 for 'ragged' boundary models. Note that this workflow is valid for hex mesh only and performed for models with 'ragged' boundaries.
The boundary extract data files for the irregular grid model are in: Geol_002\Case03a\04a - Boundary Extract\Data. The flowchart below summarises the data input and results output file involved in the boundary extract process. The geometry file to be used from Step 03 is in blue text and the results output file to be used in Step 04 is in brown text.
Workflow Flowchart for Step 04a - Boundary Extract
Step 04 involves performing the forward simulation for the irregular grid model as shown in the flowchart below. An additional file from the Step 04a, shown in brown text, is required for data input. The other key files involved are the same as for the Case 02 slice model, likewise the simulation stages and processes involved are the same but with minor changes which are described in the next section.
The forward simulation data files for the irregular grid model are in: Geol_002\Case03a\04 - Forward simulation\Data.
Workflow Flowchart for Step 04 - Forward Simulation
Basic Set Up: Data File Description