Case02 Slice Model


The 3D slice model presented here is extracted from the basin model at the highlighted location in green outline. A full description of the geomechanical restoration and forward simulation for the slice model will not be described - only description of additional data or data different to the Case01 - Column Model is presented here.  To this end, it is recommended to familiarise with the Case01 column model before undertaking this example.


Simulation runs on a single 3.6GHz AMD Processor PC for Case02 slice model comprising 5965 nodes, 2899 elements took:

Restoration - 3 minutes.

Forward Simulation - 7 minutes.



Slice Model located at Grid cells i=34-80, j=15 in Geol_002 Basin Model with 80 x 80 grid cells (1 cell = 1km)


The workflow comprise four main steps:

1Step 01 - Zmap file import and output to ParaView plot file and Abaqus input .inp file.

2Step 02 - Conversion of .inp file to suitable ParaGeo geometry (.geo and .geometry) files and data .dat file.

3Step 03 - Geomechanical restoration of the defined 3D geological structure with directional strain decompaction.

4Step 04 - Forward simulation of the sedimentation process (THM modelling).


Each of these steps contains only a description of additional data or data different to the column example in their respective sections following.


Click to expand/collapseStep 01 - Zmap file import and output to ParaView plot file and Abaqus input file


Click to expand/collapseStep 02 - ParaGeo Geometry Creation


Click to expand/collapseStep 03 - Restoration


Click to expand/collapseStep 04 - Forward Simulation