ParaGeoInv Data Structures


Manual Nomenclature


The nomenclature used in the present manual for ParaGeoInv related data is consistent with that of ParaGeo. Each manual page corresponds to a specific data structure in which its corresponding valid keyword and valid options are described. Depending on the type of keyword, the valid options may be in numeric or semantic format.








Files and Folder Structure


In order to perform an inverse analysis with ParaGeoInv the data structures defining the inverse analysis setup are defined in a file with extension .inp. In addition the inverse analysis requires specific folders to be defined and referenced in the inverse data input. Each of those folders are used for different purposes; i.e.:


Template folder containing the template data file

Target folder containing the target results

Test folder where the generated models are going to be run


Each of those folders directories is defined within the File_data data structure with a general recommendation to include those folders as sub-folders of the present inverse analysis folder as shown in the picture below.



Recommended ParaGeoInv folder structure




It should be noted that the allowed data format for the Target results consists of history results. The format and requirements for the target data is defined in the Misfit_data_set data structure manual page.


The template data file should be included within the Template directory. The template data file consists of a datafile fully defined to perform a ParaGeo simulation. Then the inversion algorithm will use such template to generate modified copies by varying the values for the variables to be optimised.