The data files for identification and extraction of boundary data are in: Geol_002b\Case01\03_Boundary_extract\Data. It consists of:
1.Geol_002b_Case01_geom.geo previously generated.
2.Geol_002b_Case01_geom.geometry previously generated. Here we have manually edited the group numbers so they are numbered from the oldest formation (formation01) to the youngest one (formation10). This is done for convenience so that the group number in restoration and forward simulation for a given formation is the same.
3.Geol_002b_Case01_prop_IJK_ReNum.spat generated during Zmap import workflow step. This contains a Spatial_grid with the i, j and k numbers for each element that will be used to identify the boundary nodes.
4.Geol_002b_Case01_boun_ext.dat datafile defined to perform the identification and extraction of the boundary data.
The key data for Geol_002b_Case01_geom.geometry and Geol_002b_Case01_boun_ext.dat files are discussed below.
This file is originally generated in the previous workflow step. The edits performed are mentioned below.
Data File
* Group_data NUM=10
Group_name "formation10"
Volumes IDM=1
* Group_data NUM=9
Group_name "formation09"
Volumes IDM=1
* Group_data NUM=1
Group_name "formation01"
Volumes IDM=1
•Group numbers are edited so that formation numbers are consistent with group numbers. This will result in group numbers in restoration and forward simulation being consistent for a given formation.
•Note this edit is optional and done in this example for ease of understanding.
This file is defined to identify and extract boundary nodes data. This requires:
1.Read the previous generated geometry by using Geometry_data data structure to read the .geo file and Include to read the .geometry file. 2.Definition of the stratigraphy. 3.Usage of Util_create_hex_boundary data structure to generate the data.
Stratigraphy data
Data File
* Stratigraphy_definition
Unit_Names IDM=10
Basal_horizon "Basal_surface"
* Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=1
Name "Basal_surface"
Geometry_set "Basal_surface"
* Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=2
Name "formation01"
Geometry_set "formation01_1"
* Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=11
Name "formation10"
Geometry_set "formation10_1"
•Full definition of the Stratigraphy is required for identification and extraction of the boundary nodes.
Data File
* Util_create_hex_boundary
File_name "Geol_002b_Case01_geomB"
Spatial_grid_file_name "Geol_002b_Case01_prop_IJK_ReNum.spat"
Spatial_grid_name "grid_IJK"
•Util_create_hex_boundary data structure is used to identify and extract data for the boundary nodes.
•File_name keyword is used to define the output file name for the generated data.
•Spatial_grid_file_name and Spatial_grid_name keywords are used to input the names of the .spat file and the spatial grid defined inside which contains the i, j and k values for each element. When the code reads this spatial grid data, it will output the data required for applying coupled freedoms constraint on a node-column basis for the boundary nodes.
The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case01\03_Boundary_extract\Results
The key generated results comprise:
1.Geol_002b_Case01_geomB.geo file containing the geometry and mesh in ParaGeo format, updated by incorporating new geometry sets for boundary nodes discussed below.
2.Geol_002b_Case01_geomB.dat file containing the previously existing Geometry_set data structures plus the additional ones which are required for application of the coupled freedoms constraint. These are discussed below.
Data File
* Geometry_set NUM=27
Name "Sides"
Set_type "Nodal"
Nodes IDM=1104
1 2 3 ... 8519
* Geometry_set NUM=28
Name "Couple_free_28"
Set_type "Nodal"
Nodes IDM=21
8520 8023 7526 7056 6652 6337 5840 5343 4846 4464
4121 3823 3642 3221 2751 2341 1989 1492 995 498
* Geometry_set NUM=153
Name "Couple_free_153"
Set_type "Nodal"
Nodes IDM=10
9016 8519 8022 6336 5839 5342 1988 1491 994 497
•A Geometry_set named "Sides" is generated. This geometry set contains all the nodes on the side boundaries.
•126 Geometry_set data structures are generated for each column of nodes on the side boundaries. These are named "Couple_free_NN" where NN is the ID number of the corresponding geometry set. These geometry sets will be used during restoration to apply the coupled freedoms constraint on a node-column basis. |