The present workflow step is identical as performed in Case01 (no extra data definition is required for considering Facies) but is included here for the sake of completeness.
The objective of the present step in the workflow is to obtain the Geometry_set includes all the boundary nodes for the initial formation in the forward simulation (final restored formation). The data files for such operation are in: Geol_002b\Case02\05_Boundary_extract2\Data. It consists of:
1.Geol_002b_Case02_rest_formation01.geo geometry file for the initial formation. This was output at the end of the restoration simulation.
2.Geol_002b_Case02_boun_ext2.dat datafile defined to perform the identification and extraction of the boundary data. Note that this file contains different data and used different keywords than the data file used in workflow step 3 where the target was to generate data for couple freedoms.
This file is defined to identify and extract boundary nodes data. This requires:
1.Read .geo file with the geometry data. 2.Definition of the stratigraphy 3.Usage of Util_create_hex_boundary data structure to generate the data
Stratigraphy data
Data File
* Stratigraphy_definition
Unit_Names IDM=1
Basal_horizon "Basal_surface"
* Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=1
Name "Basal_surface"
Geometry_set "Basal_surface"
* Stratigraphy_horizon NUM=2
Name "formation01"
Geometry_set "formation01_1"
•The full stratigraphy is defined by the basal boundary and the top surface for formation01
Data File
* Util_create_hex_boundary
File_name "Geol_002b_Case02_fsim_sides"
Boundary_type 1
Geometry_set_name "Sides_all"
•Util_create_hex_boundary data structure is used to identify and extract data for the boundary nodes.
•File_name keyword is used to define the output file name for the generated data.
•Boundary_type is set to 1 in order to use facet normals to find all nodes on the boundaries. If not set, the default would only output boundary nodes linked to stratigraphic surfaces (only valid for single element across the thickness/z direction). In this case it would make no difference as formation01 only has 1 element in the thickness direction.
•Geometry_set_name is used to define the name of the output geometry set which will contain all the nodes on the boundary. Note that in this example, "Sides_all" has been defined to avoid conflict with the geometry set named "Sides" carried from restoration.
The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case02\05_Boundary_extract2\Results
The key generated datafile is Geol_002b_Case02_fsim_sides.dat which contains the required Geometry_set named "Sides_all" containing all boundary nodes.
Data File
* Geometry_set NUM=27
Name "Sides"
Set_type "Nodal"
Nodes IDM=126
1 2 ... 497
* Geometry_set NUM=154
Name "Sides_all"
Set_type "Nodal"
Nodes IDM=252
1 2 ... 994
•A Geometry_set named "Sides_all" is generated. Such geometry set contains all the nodes in the side boundaries
•Note that another Geometry_set named "Sides" is present as it was carried from restoration which includes half of the nodes (it does not include the side boundaries for the base) |