The data files for restoration simulation are in: Geol_002b\Case03\04_Restoration\Data and Geol_002b\Case03_coarse\04_Restoration\Data. Most of the files are identical to those in Case02. The key files with erosion-relevant differences discussed here are:
1.Geol_002b_Case03_rest.dat: main restoration datafile which includes two stages for the erosion and deposition of the eroded formation.
2.Geol_002b_Case03_RestSurf02.dat: datafile containing the definition of the additional restoration surface to account for the eroded formation (Geol_002b_Case03_RestSurf01 is identical to the restoration surface of previous cases).
Main Restoration datafile
The present case comprises 13 stages with the sequence being as follows:
1.Geostatic stage to assign the initial porosities, facies distribution and assign couple freedoms on boundary nodes 2.Translate of formation10 (restoring the deposition of formation10) 3.Removal of formation10 and translate of formation09 (restoring the deposition of formation09) 4.Removal of formation09 and translate of formation08 (restoring the deposition of formation08) 5.Removal of formation08 and translate of formation07 (restoring the erosion of the eroded formation) 6.Translate of formation07 to the base of the eroded formation (restoring the deposition of the eroded formation) 7.Translate of formation07 to the "standard" restoration datum (restoring the deposition of formation07) 8.Removal of formation07 and translate of formation06 (restoring the deposition of formation06) 9.Removal of formation06 and translate of formation05 (restoring the deposition of formation05) 10.Removal of formation05 and translate of formation04 (restoring the deposition of formation04) 11.Removal of formation04 and translate of formation03 (restoring the deposition of formation03) 12.Removal of formation03 and translate of formation02 (restoring the deposition of formation02) 13.Removal of formation02 and translate of formation01 (restoring the deposition of formation01)
The data required to account for erosion and deposition of the eroded formation in restoration is shown below. Note that in order to maximize consistency between restoration and forward simulation the decompaction options need to be changed in the stages corresponding to the deposition and erosion of the eroded formation. This will be discussed below. Note that only minimal data is shown to demonstrate the sequence of stages and the restoration options in each one.
Erosion restoration surface
During stage 6 the restoration surface is changed to coincide with the base of the eroded formation. The definition of such restoration surface is within the file "Geol_002b_Case03_RestSurf02.dat". The data is shown below. Note that after such stage the original flat restoration surface is re-loaded back.
The results for the present workflow steps are provided in Geol_002b\Case03\04_Restoration\Results. Note that only a selection of the results is provided. In the figure below the results for the coarse mesh (for the sake of clarity in the figure) models is shown. It can be seen how at time 6.0 the restoration generates the accommodation space for the eroded formation and the resulting basal displacements will be output in the spatial grid within the Geol_002b_Case03_rest_Disp_Eroded_fm.spat file.
Restoration results from the coarse mesh version